Part 17: Movie night

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We gathered all the snacks we could find and sorted through the movies. Finally deciding on a few different Disney ones, we huddled together on the blankets. I sat up against the couch in between Ethan and my sister, chica came and joined me soon enough.

 Only a few minutes into the first movie and I had already laid across Ethan's lap. Ethan took his hand and ran it through my hair as I listened to the dialogue. 

 I feel as though I watched Ethan more than the actual movie. I loved listening to him laugh during certain scenes, it made me really happy. 

By the time, the movies were over, the four of us were exhausted and I was half asleep. When I heard a door open, I opened my eyes, knowing Mark was home. I rolled over and glanced at Ethan, who had been staring at me this whole time. It made me blush, but he turned away when Mark entered the living room.

"What happened?" Mark asked, chuckling, and staring at our group that looked well wasted. I shot up from my place on Ethan's lap, even though Mark had probably already noticed. I watched as he and Amy made their way across the room towards the stairs, still relatively turned towards us. Ethan sat up from his position against the couch and stretched his arms.

"We had a movie night, ok?" he answered with a yawn, I giggled. Mark shook his head with a smile before heading up the stairs. Ethan turned back to me, and I was already resting on his lap again.

"Can you make it up the stairs without falling?" He asked almost laughing, 

"I hope so." I said wiping my eyes and realizing I actually had to get up. I turned to the other side of me to glance at jack and my sister. Jack was sitting on his phone and I noticed my sister was asleep. I watched as he tapped her on the shoulder and she nearly jumped in her seat.

"Movies are over," Jack said as she looked up at him tiredly. She sat up and yawned and I stared at her mess of hair. I laughed again as I stood up and nearly fell, Ethan gestured his hands out as though to catch me. I balanced myself again and picked up the blanket. The four of us agreed we would clean the mess up in the morning, due to the fact we were all too terribly tired. The four of us trudged off to bed and ran through our nighttime routines in a quick but tired fashion. As I climbed up into the top bunk I plugged in my phone and looked at it. I had a few texts from my parents, mark and now one from Ethan. I read through all the texts and then went to Ethan's.

'good night ;)' I giggled at the text and then replied. My sister leaned her head out of the bottom bunk and stared up at me,

"what was that?" she asked with a laugh.

"Nothing," I said as I placed my phone face down next to the bunk.

I woke up in the morning around 8 am. I was hoping that finally, my body had returned to its normal sleep cycle. I trudged down the stairs and cleaned up the mess from last night. Other than a few members of the crew, the rest of the house was sleeping. I thought about how another one of the perks to this job was the fact that you didn't have to set an alarm in the morning.

I piled all the blankets up on the couch and climbed in underneath them. I sat there for a while on my phone until I began to hear more people conversing amongst the house. When I heard familiar footsteps coming down the stairs, I pulled the blankets up over my head and tried to sit perfectly still. I listened as he walked past the living room and into the kitchen.

"Has anybody seen y/n?" Ethan asked half of the crew, eating breakfast. Half of them didn't respond, but the few that did insisted that they hadn't seen me. I giggled quietly to myself. Here I was, I fully grown 22 year old who was acting like she was 5.

The footsteps exited the kitchen and once again climbed the stairs, but they stopped about halfway up.

"Have you seen y/n yet today?" Ethan asked again.

"Uh no, not yet." I heard mark say, assuming he was standing at the top of the steps. As the two of them crossed paths, Mark called out,

"You paranoid or something, it's only 9 in the morning? Shes probably asleep you know her." mark said with almost a snort. Ethan stuttered a response,

"n-no I'm just-" He didn't finish his sentence and simply headed towards my room.

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