Part 3: Late night

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I quietly stepped down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible to avoid waking everyone else. The night was exceptionally silent, the only noises that could be heard were from rustling in the kitchen. I squinted, watching passing car lights dance across the carpet. I quietly made my way across the floor and peeked my head in the kitchen doorway. There stood Ethan, dressed in dark pajamas, leaning on the kitchen island in front of the coffee machine. Somehow he must have heard me, for he turned around rather quickly and jumped at the sight of me.

"I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" I whispered rather loudly. Ethan simply raised a hand to his heart. He took a sigh and gave me a soft smile. 

"No I'm fine, it just caught me off guard." We shared a low giggle as I walked closer to him; my bare feet shivering on the cold tile.

"Why are you up?" I asked as he re-adjusted himself upon the countertop. He folded his arms and with one hand, and ran his fingers through his hair again. I rested my arms on the kitchen island as I waited eagerly for his response. 

"I-I couldn't sleep." He replied with a sigh, before taking a glance at the coffee machine. "So I thought I'd make myself something."

I glanced at him confused. I had never wanted to stay awake at night, but by the looks of Ethan, I could tell he was a night owl.

"Does this happen often?" I asked; Ethan rubbed the back of his neck and stared at the ceiling.

"Now that I think about it, maybe once or twice a week." He said softly. Before I could utter another word he answered for me. "I think I might have insomnia but I'm not sure. I've just never had the time to get it checked out." There was a pause before he decided to change the subject, "How did you know I was down here?" He asked as I chuckled nervously before answering.

"You may or may not have woken me up when you left your room," I said as Ethan palmed his hand to his face.

"Oh no; listen I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" I quickly took another step towards Ethan and lifted my hands. I watched his glassy green eyes look me up and down, the hair on the back of my neck began to stand up. 

"No no no it's ok. I am a light sleeper anyway," I said, pausing, trying to think of something else to say. In the short seconds of silence, the coffee machine suddenly began to beep. Ethan quickly ran over to turn it off, I had forgotten how late at night it was. Ethan took out the pot and set it on the counter next to him. I watched Ethan reach inside the cupboard next to him and pull out a mug. It was an arrangement of assorted colors and it had his name written across the side. I watched as he poured the thick liquid into the mug.

"Oh my gosh, that mug is so cute," I said, Ethan turned around and gave me a smile.

"Thanks, Amy made it and I decorated it myself." As I peered behind him I noticed an array of mugs inside the cabinet, they were all personalized.

"What about those?" I asked as I pointed at the cabinet. Ethan responded with the same answer,

" I um... have a thing for decorating," Ethan said, embarrassed.

"That surprises me," I said chuckling, I watched as Ethan made his way over to the fridge and grabbed some coffee creamer. 

"hey did you want any?" He asked gesturing towards the half-empty pot of coffee still on the counter.  

"Yes, I would love some." I took a step towards the coffee machine while I watched Ethan once again make his way to the cupboard. He set down his mug and reached towards the back of the bottom shelf. He pulled out a smaller mug, also decorated, except with my name written across the side.

I smiled as he handed it to me,

"you made this for me?" I asked, carefully examining the delicate mug. Ethan nodded as he gave a soft smile,

"well when mark announced we were getting new team members, I thought I might as well. But don't thank me, thank Amy."

" well thanks anyways Ethan, it means a lot to me."

After a few moments, I sat down at the kitchen table and Ethan followed close behind. We spent the next few moments discussing our interests and such. It felt like we talked for hours and hours. When I swear I began to see the sunrise outside, we concluded that it would be a good idea to finally get some sleep.

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