Part 13: shoppinggg

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NOTE: (sorry my parts are so short, this is how I organize them lol thanks for the support I'm having a lot of fun writing this) 

I turned around and thought of slapping Ethan for a second. I glared at him with uttermost shock.

"No, it is not!" I said defensively. He simply chuckled and began to tease.

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not!"

"Is too!" He turned towards me and tried to be angry but simply laughed instead. I sighed,

"You have an amazing voice, Ethan," I said smiling up at him. Ethan then shifted his weight slightly towards my side of the car. He rested his head on his hand that he balanced carefully on the compartment box.

"But mark tells me you used to be in a choir," Ethan said as I smiled naively and began to ramble on.

"Yes, I love singing...." my excitement faded out as soon as I realized what I was doing. Ethan smirked and stared me in the eyes.

"I bet you have a pretty voiiiiiiice." He said it in the most innocent tone that was a contrast from the smirk he gave me. I laughed and began to blush.

"Ok fine you got me, we both think we sound bad. Let's just move on from it." I said pouting a little.

Ethan pulled into the parking lot of a large target. Instead of "moving on" front the fact, he simply leaned in closer to me and didn't break our gaze. I watched him bite his lip and that extroverted confidence was starting to show through.

"What if I don't want to move on from it?" he asked. 

My heart started pounding, this boy was making me feel THINGS

Before madly blushing I burst out laughing and leaned against my car door with my hand over my mouth. Ethan sat up, totally stunned with confusion. 

"What?" he asked, demanding why I thought his flirting was funny. I shook my head and then calmed myself.

"Sorry, it's just that you look like that time when you imitated the "what's Poppin" video," I said as Ethan gasped loudly, blushing with shock and embarrassment,

"You saw that?!" Ethan asked, me nodding my head again, still dying from laughter.

"Mark showed it to me..." I mumbled through tears of laughter, I could barely breathe at this point. Ethan sighed, half-embarrassed half angry.

"Imma kill him." Ethan began to joke around. I turned towards him and grabbed his arm.

"Wait why is that so bad?" I asked. "I think it's really funny." He sighed again and looked at his feet with a slight smile.

"Nothing, just a little embarrassing when it's showed to..." Ethan began to decrease the volume of his voice and he slowly mumbled into silence.

"Showed to what?" I smirked and turned to him.

Ethan smirked but didn't say anything. He simply rolled his eyes and exited the car, walking towards Target. I chuckled followed close behind him.


Here is the link to the video if you haven't seen it, highly recommend HAHA 

( you can copy and paste haha


Ethan grabbed a cart and headed for the back of the store,

"What food we getting?" he asked as I smiled and began to jump around. (I mean its food, who wouldn't be excited?)

I nudged for Ethan to scoot over as I placed my hands next to his on the shopping cart.

Ethan giggled at my excitement.

"I vote we go for the sweets first!" I answered enthusiastically.

"If you say so"

~time skip~

Shopping in Target was the most fun I have had in years, honestly though being with Ethan was all the most fun. Anything we did together... made me happy...

When we got back to the car, the two of us were pretty tuckered out. It was about five pm and hunger was starting to kick in.

"I know we are all eating dinner together but, would you care for a milkshake?" mark must've told Ethan a lot about me.

"I love milkshakes," I mumbled to myself.

"I'm assuming that's a yes," Ethan said smiling as he pulled out of the parking lot.

~time skip~

We piled into the house with all of the groceries, scattering them on the floor just inside the doorway.  I spotted jack and my sister chatting side by side on a couch in the living room. Mark jumped up from one of the chairs and came over to talk to us, Tyler followed close behind him.

"I was wondering where you went." mark said gesturing to Ethan.

"I just decided to tag along," he said as he shrugged with a smile.

Tyler grabbed the bags I was holding and took them to the kitchen.

"Thanks," I said.

I then followed Tyler into the kitchen, while mark began to converse with Ethan.

"Do you need any help setting up?" Tyler asked, rubbing his hands together.

"I think I'm ok, would you mind grabbing my sister tho?" Tyler nodded and left the kitchen. At that moment Ethan and mark then entered in front of me. I pulled out some groceries and placed them on the kitchen island. Mark wandered over to the fridge and began to get out some drinks. Ethan quickly joined in on unloading the groceries next to me, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm fine you know, I can get it," I told him as He pulled out the last item and glanced up at me, confused.

"What, you are refusing my help now?" he asked putting one of the bags of chips back in the grocery bag.

I snickered, rolling my eyes. 

"Take that back ouuuuuut." I said with a tease and a smile on my face.

"As you wish!" Ethan said, bowing as he handed me the bag.

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