Part 22: sick

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I let go of Ethan's warm embrace and sat back against my seat. I watched him run his fingers through his hair and smile a sigh.

"Sorry for being so weird." I muttered under my breath. Ethan made a face at me,

"Are you kidding me? You are amazing... and I'm the lucky one." He said furrowing his brows. I smiled softly as those words of validation, something I had always been a sucker for.

"Thank you Ethan." I said, staring at him intently. He blushed and turned towards the road, finally deciding to pull out of the parking space. "I should p-probably get us home."

The drive home was unusually quiet, but it was warm and comforting. I felt more at home with ethan than I had felt anywhere else. We pulled into the house and I drowsily stepped out of the car. I almost tripped a few times, being so tired. The sun had set and it was starting to get cold, When I made it around the other side of the car, Ethan put his arm around me. He probably noticed that I was shivering.

We made our way into the house and trudged up the stairs. Everyone one else was already home, most of them asleep. I walked into my bedroom and I was greeted by my sister. She seemed rather estatic and joyful. I was tempted to ask her about it, but being so tired I immediatley aimed for my bed.

I woke up the next morning, back to my usual schedule. Early and before everyone else.

I walked down the stairs, confidently and wide awake. I walked into the kitchen, the first one awake. I decided to start making some breakfast as I reached for the pan on the other side of the kitchen island. I heard my phone buzz from my back pocket and I reached for it. 

"You awake?" the text was from was from Ethan. I opened the app and began to respond.

"Yessirrr." I replied.

"You downstairs?"

"No im back in ohio ;)." 

Almost instantly, I could hear a hustling from upstairs. I heard feet loudly stomp down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ethan emerged in his pajamas, sniffling. He walked over to the table.

"You ok?" I asked as Ethan plopped down into a seat at the table.

"I think I might be getting sick." he said. I never wanted to get sick but I could care less right now. I couldnt stand to be more than inches from Ethan. I stepped closer to him running my fingers through his messed up hair,

"Oh you poor thing," I said, frowning innocently at him. It wasnt meant to sound saracastic although I was wondering if it came off that way.

Ethan sniffled and leaned forwards onto the table. I finished making the breakfast and planted it onto one plate placing it on the table. I sat down next to Ethan. 

"We have another livestream today." He said, planting his face on to the table. His words were muffled and slightly harder to make out.

"You going to do it sick?" I asked him. Ethan chuckled as he sat up again.

"I'll try." He paused for a moment and chuckled under his breath before looking up at me.

 "How come every time you are around me the world is literally brighter?" Ethan asked. 

He took a piece of food and began to chew on it. I blushed from shock and made a face at him, he clearly noticed I was confused, "You know, like the sun?" he said sickly laughing. I didn't have a chance to reply before Ethan gasped, "I should call you sunshine." He said in a childish tone. My heart leapt out of my chest, but I was once again cut off before I had a chance to express how much I loved the nickname. Mark trudged into the kitchen wearing a familiar bathrobe.

"Morning." He said, grunting under his breath.

"Good Morning Mark." Ethan said, sneezing. We were trying to hide the fact that we had been flirting almost two seconds prior. Mark took out a mug and began to make himself some coffee.

Ethan took another sneeze before groaning. He slammed his face down on the table and Mark began to laugh. I chuckled while patting Ethan on the back.

"What's wrong with you?" Mark asked as he sat down at the table. Without a response from Ethan, I answered for Him.

"We are pretty sure he is sick." I said, chuckling under my breath.

"Oh no." Mark said, being partially sarcastic. "You still up for the stream?"

Ethan sat up once more and slouched, "Yeah,"

He paused for a moment to clear his throat, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Let's hope so," Mark said as he reached for a mug. He exited the kitchen with his coffee and I could hear him climb back up the stairs.

"Need any help setting up again?" Ethan asked, sniffling once more. I raised my eyebrows at him, which was then followed by a look of pitied affection.

I put my hand on his shoulder and leaned in slightly.

"You should try and get some rest Ethan, you're sick. I will be ok." I said reassuringly.

"But do you remember how long it took us last time, what if-"

"It's just some décor, I will get someone else to help me if I have to. Your health means more to me than interior design."

Ethan smiled softly, which was then followed by a glance at his feet.

"Isn't that your dream job though, like that's what you have wanted to be since you were a kid."

I shook my head, "I could care less what job I have if you were with me.."

Ethan didn't look up, but I watched as his neck grew red. He ran his fingers through his hair and stared out at the window next to us. I watched the reflection of the view distort the color of his eyes and flash between different scenes. He turned back towards me and didn't break eye contact. With a sigh of defeat he stared at me affectionately,

"Fine you win, I'll take a nap. Just as long as you will still wake me up before the stream." he pointed a finger at me and gave me a smirk. I put my hand on my heart and smiled,

"I promise."

(Thanks for the support I was not expecting this haha, y'all are amazing!)

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