Part 25: oop-

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Ethan skipped happily over to where I was standing, and I glanced around, noticing that everyone else was watching. He stopped in front of me and leaned in, retaining a innocent smirk.

"Need help cleaning that off?" He asked. Before I could give him an answer ethan kissed my nose, taking the frosting with him. He licked his lips as I blushed intensely. Mark raised both of his eyebrows at the two of us and stuttered, "Ethan? You got something you want to tell us?"

Ethan must have been feeling confident because there wasn't second where he lost his smirk. He locked eyes with me once more as I held my hands in front of my face. He grabbed me by the waist and tilted me downwards, everyone silently watching. It came as quite a shock and I forced myself to grab onto him for support. Ethan was weak from being sick, and I could tell he was going drop me any second. However, that didn't stop him from being cocky.

"Guess who isn't single anymore." He said proudly, not breaking his gaze with me. I knew for sure, that by now my face must have been bright red. I was sweating so hard and felt as though I might faint any second.

Everyone around us immediately burst out screaming.

"OH MY GOSH I KNEW IT!" my sister screamed like she had forgotten I told her a few days prior.

"YESSSSS FINALLY!" Mark said groaning.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?" jack asked.

"ETHAN GOT A GIRLFRIEND?!" Tyler exclaimed, clapping his hands loudly, while holding his jaw at a fixated dropped position.

Ethan placed his lips on to mine and we shared a short and sweet kiss. It wouldve been longer but I stopped him, reminding Ethan we were on a live stream and he was sick.(not that I cared tho)

(Hey! This is a short part but I really felt like a needed to update! More will come soon. 

side note: Thanks so much for the support y'all are hilarious LMAO THE COMMENTS-I love you sm!)

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