Part 15: secret?

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I could tell that Ethan was really nervous, due to the fact that he was shaking, and I was sitting there silent.

I overcame my fear and assessed the situation in my head again. I then nearly screamed as I began to jump up and down. I raised my eyebrows and a big grin appeared on my face.

"YOU DO?!" I shouted, jumping up and down while Ethan put a finger to his mouth. I remembered everyone was sleeping. I covered my mouth and settled myself,

"You do?" I asked again, a whisper this time. Ethan nodded, still nervous.

"I do too!" I smiled again and felt like I could cry, clearly, Ethan showed the same emotion.

"you scared me I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore!" Ethan said clutching his heart.

I didn't say anything I simply stood there smiling really big before Ethan pulled me into a hug. I began to cry, I felt a wave of relief and happiness rush over me, I was going to be okay. Ethan heard me sniffling and pulled away from our hug, 

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at me all sad. I buried my face back into his shoulder. 

"Thank you." Was all I said. 


I needed a moment to gather my thoughts, and I was exhausted so I excused myself and retired to bed.

2021, scared me to think about it. How fast things were moving and now I was starting a new year, all on my own. Well, sort of...


I woke up to the sounds of the crew conversing in the house. I smiled, feeling rather excited. Suddenly remembering last night's conversation with Ethan, I ran downstairs in a hurry to find him. Everyone stared at me strangely when I burst into the living room. I realized I was acting way too energetic so I settled myself and then walked calmly over to the couch. I sat down glancing around the room, trying to spot Ethan. Just then jack and my sister came and sat down next to me,

"You look like an absolute mess dude," Jack said as he took a sip of coffee. I watched as my sister sat between us and stared at me.

"Are you ever gonna wear actual clothes again?" she asked. I glanced up and down and realized I was still in my PJs.

"Hey, I wore real clothes yesterday!" I said. Before anyone had the chance to speak again, I heard a laugh behind me. I whipped around and nearly screamed in fright. There stood Ethan laughing to himself,

"I got you good, huh?" he asked, a smirk on his face. I glared at him playfully.

I jumped up from the couch and headed for the kitchen,

"I'm going to get some food." I declared.

Jack and my sister stared at each other confused. My idea had worked and Ethan, sure enough, followed me into the kitchen. 

"What you going to have for breakfast? Cereal like always?" I cut Ethan off,

"No, I just wanted to talk to you. I think it might be best not to tell the rest of the crew yet. I mean Mark has a lot that's going on, and they might be concerned, judging by the fact that I have only known you for a little over a week." Ethan groaned and folded his arms.

"Fine fine, I will wait to tell them how I feel, But only if we get to have some funny reveal." He whispered to me before laughing.

"Whatever you say," I chuckled,

"Can we actually make breakfast though?"

~Time Skip~

The next two days went on rather smoothly. Ethan was struggling to keep it a secret. and mark being the type of person that he was, decided it would be a fun idea to have another new crew member celebration. He decided to make a video for it and I couldn't be more excited. Mark said he was keeping the idea a surprise and I was so excited.

He made me quickly prep for the video.

"Ethan would you hand me that snowflake over there." I took it from his hands and placed it on a shelf behind the large couch.

"All done," I said wiping a slight sweat off of my forehead.

"Looks great," Ethan said as I stepped backward to take it in. It sure was a relief to have all that decorating done.

"You know what else looks great?" Ethan asked. I turned to face him smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "You," I said before Ethan could finish his thought. I watched him blush and we shared a laugh. I scooted closer towards Ethan and-

Suddenly, Mark came into the studio.

"Nice, are you done?" he asked. I nodded as I took a slight step away from Ethan. 

I looked up at Ethan and he smirked at me. Blushing I turned away, hoping mark didn't notice.

"So what's this big idea that you have been saving?" I asked. Mark shook his finger and he walked over towards us.

"I can't tell you just yet, I told you it is supposed to be a surprise!"

 I groaned, "Fine fine!" I said. I was now starting to get nervous about this "surprise."

"I'm going to call everybody in, you two turn all the lights on, will ya?" Mark asked as he exited the room. I took a sigh and plopped down on the couch. Ethan was already flipping switches.

"Thanks," I said, exhausted.

"No problem," Ethan called out as he made his way over to the couch. He sat down beside me and laughed.

"I can't wait to see what mark has planned..." 

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