Part 14: "3...2...1..."

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Ethan turned around to look at Mark for a moment, before facing me again.

Mark then approached us and set down a few glasses filled with lemonade.

"Not exactly fitting for this season but it works," he said as The three of us shared a laugh before mark exited the kitchen. The second mark was entirely out the door Ethan leaned in really close to my face; I was in the middle of sipping my lemonade. I put it down cautiously and didn't break his gaze.

"Yes?" I smiled confused. Ethan readjusted his hands on the counter.

"Can we talk?" he asked, breaking the silence. I couldn't tell if he was being serious or making a joke. I nodded and continued to be confused.

"Isn't that kind of what we are doing?" I replied casually as Ethan rolled his eyes and chuckled. I was glad I had eased the mood a little bit. Just then my sister came into the kitchen. Ethan quickly backed away and stood there awkwardly, I laughed. My sister, clearly noticing she had come in at a bad time, walked slowly to stand beside me.

"You wanna help me with dinner?" I asked. She nodded but still didn't say anything. Suddenly Jack walked into the kitchen, I guess he had been following Kim.

"I was wondering where you had gone off to," he asked me and Ethan.

Jack leaned against the island counter, beside Ethan. He watched Kim pour pasta and begin to stir it. I noticed how jack looked at her; sweetly but not when she was watching. As I walked over to the counter and began to slice some fruit, I continued to stare at the two of them, dozing off.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands come over mine and I was stopped. I turned to face Ethan again and noticed that he was clutching my hands tightly, breathing heavily.

"You almost just cut your fingers off." He said in a panic. I laughed,

"Thank you, Ethan, I forgot what I was doing." Ethan took a sigh of relief and insisted he help me. I surrendered and handed Ethan the knife while I searched for plates and bowls. My sister and Jack continued to talk while the pasta was boiling. Their conversations were so fun to listen to. They were both unusually quiet and gentle with each other, versus where Jack is loud with everyone else.

~time skip~

Finally, the time had come and the table was set. Our group shared a nice dinner, and then we gathered around the tv. The countdown for the new year was about to begin. Ethan trotted over to where I was standing and handed me a popper. My sister and jack were to the left of us, while mark and Amy were to the right.












Everyone began to cheer.

( i know this story is set way later in the year whoops)

"2021 here I come baby!" Ethan shouted loudly. I glanced around and watched as Amy and mark shared a kiss. Kim and Jack were popping poppers in each other's faces. When I turned back to face Ethan, he was very close to my face. Before I had the chance to do anything else, he pulled me into a hug began to laugh, lifting me off the ground. I chuckled along as Tyler came over and put his arms around the two of us. I felt squished but loved. (I gave up on this sentence lol)

~time skip~

Soon after, everyone went to sleep. The group was very tired and the food had all been eaten. I offered to clean up the dishes, like always, Ethan decided to tag along. As he grabbed the last batch of dishes and brought them towards the sink where I was standing, I paused.

"Didn't you want to talk to me about something?" I asked as Ethan raised his eyebrows,

"Oh yeah, I did." He paused for a moment as he handed me the dishes, and then rested upon the countertop.

"You promise you won't judge me?"

I made a face at Ethan,

"Of course not, why would I judge you?" I said assuringly. He shrugged and stepped closer to me.

"I-" Ethan paused for a moment and tried not to make eye contact with me.

"I've fallen for you y/n." He said, looking me straight in the eyes.

I nearly dropped the plates I was holding, I probably looked so strange standing there frozen.

"I've fallen for you" (CrankgameplaysxReader)Where stories live. Discover now