Part 6: "tell me about yourself"

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(I am so sorry, I forgot about this account on here and my story, I will update more regularly- here's part 6!!)

The rest of the short stream consisted of Sean, mark, Tyler, and my sister. They did multiple rounds of seven second challenge, charades, and playing a few different video games. After a little while, I left the area and went into the kitchen, Ethan once again followed me and sat down at the kitchen table. He began to scroll through his phone, pausing to analyze whatever he was viewing. As I stood in front of the cupboard, I couldn't help but watch him. Even him being on his phone was somehow interesting to me... After a few seconds, Ethan looked up from his phone and caught me staring at him. I quickly whipped around and glanced down towards the ground, I fidgeted with my ring again, I began to shake. I should not have done that, he is going to think-

"What ya doing?" Ethan's voice echoed through the kitchen and seemed to ring in my ears. I stopped shaking, maybe he didn't notice? Realizing I had left Ethan without an answer I turned to face him.

"I'm getting some cereal because I'm hungry and too lazy to cook at the moment." I laughed awkwardly as I reached for the cereal boxes.

"haha sounds like me." I snorted at his comment and began to laugh. Ethan joined in laughing and stood up from the table, approaching me. I listened as his socks glide across the kitchen floor.

"Y/n. Pass me the captain crunch." I reached for the cereal and set it down beside me. At the next cupboard over Ethan grabbed two bowls. I sighed, I felt off for some reason, but I couldn't quite pinpoint it. I couldn't tell if Ethan noticed or not. After I had loaded up my bowl, Ethan grabbed it and began to walk towards the table,

"Hey, my cereal." I joked defensively. Ethan giggled as he set the bowl down next to his, different from how we usually ate. I grabbed the milk from the fridge and set it down on the table. Immediately, I began to eat my cereal, I guess I had forgotten how hungry I was. Ethan broke the silence,

"Tell me about yourself." I looked up from my bowl of cereal and stared at Ethan confused. With a full mouth, I asked,

"what?" Ethan smiled as he repeated the question.

"Tell me about yourself, I literally know nothing. Mark only tells me random facts that do me no good." I swallowed and gave a sigh. I stared back down at my cereal and adjusted the spoon. As I glanced back up at Ethan I saw his eager face waiting for an answer.

"W-what do you want to know?"I asked. He looked up at the ceiling as if thinking for a proper answer. After a few seconds, he glanced back over at me.

"Well let's start with the simple thing's first. Tell me about school and your friends." I gasped,

"You call that simple?" I rose my voice slightly at him as Ethan snorted,

"I'm sorry ok? I am impatient." He replied defensively. I smiled, and pointed at myself,

"That makes two of us."

I told Ethan almost everything I could about my friends.

"So most of your friends are guys?" Ethan asked and I glanced down at the bowl of now completely finished cereal.

"Well, they were," I whispered. He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You know, ever since high school no one has really talked to me, plus I ended things kind of poorly..." I trailed off in a low mumble and Ethan broke in,

"What do you mean?" I sighed, hoping I wouldn't tell Ethan more than he wanted to know,

"There was this one guy that I liked in high school. We dated for a while until I started to notice how abusive he was. He would put me down constantly and tell everybody how much he "hated" me. I didn't know what was real or a joke anymore. So I confronted him about and he broke up with me. He then turned all of my guy friends against me and I felt lonely with my small pack of girls. Every day was an absolute nightmare at that school. It-"

"It like scared you." I heard Ethan say, I looked up at him confused.

"Yeah... good guess." Ethan locked eyes with me and gave a low chuckle. His words did not seem happy, but he smiled anyway.

"No, no guess at all. I know exactly what you mean." Ethan then frowned and I saw him stare down at his feet for a moment. His hands were shaking slightly. But I wasn't quite sure if it was from the situation or his ADHD.

"I met this one girl when I was about 14. She was the first girl I ever really liked. After a while of following her around, I finally got the courage to talk to her. We became close friends and on her fifteenth birthday I asked her out. We went to the movie theatre and I kissed her." Ethan paused for a moment and glanced up at me. He shrugged and continued with his story.

"After that we continued to date all through high school until junior year. I came to school one day and, she wouldn't talk to me. She wouldn't even look at me." I could see tears begin to well up in his eyes.

"I tried and tried, but no matter what I did she would never come near me. Her friends all avoided me and so many of my friends chose her side over mine. I spent that year alone, I hated myself but I didn't even no what for. Going to school was a nightmare and I felt everyone was judging me. I was the polar opposite of my outgoing self, but I had no one to talk to. I was scared something bad could happen if I tried to be myself again." He wiped a tear from his eyes, I could feel my heart pounding. All of these awful feelings began to rush over me.

"I just wish she would have told me what I did wrong. I've spent the last five years wondering why I was so horrible, she wouldn't even tell me." Ethan finally covered his hands over his eyes and tried to fight back tears. The result was a stifled sob. I quickly stood up from my seat and despite my nerves, I pulled him into a hug. It felt strange, hugging someone I barely knew. But I couldn't help feel like I had to. 

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