10 - Rock Paper Scissors

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Sam's Pov

Since Shaden started tutoring Theo, Louis and I got a lot closer to her. Not close enough to share each other's secrets, but comfortably close. Theodore seems to love her because she apparently uses cooler techniques which none of his teachers use while teaching him. Last night he was showing us all, the dance move she taught him to help in better understanding the structure of sentences. He said that she made it up on spot while discussing it with him. He said that she is the coolest teacher ever.

Donn seems to love her too. He keeps going on and on about how much fun she is at the Gym. He introduced her to Tabitha, who hit it of really fast with Shaden, considering that both of them have a common knack in making fun of Donn, eventually making Donn regret his discussion in making them meet each other.

"Who's excited for this trip bitches!?" Haru asked excitedly, taking a seat beside Brendan who pushed him away from the seat making him fall on the floor of the bus.

"Jessica is sitting here duffo. I don't want to sit beside you throughout the journey. You are annoying as hell." He said looking at him as if he is an idiot to sit beside him of all the people.

"People in relationships are a piece of shit." He cursed sitting beside an understanding Jordan.

"I got you buddy. I got you." Jordan said patting his shoulder. Bell rolled her eyes at the boys.

"Where is Shaden though? It's already 7 and we are supposed to be leaving in another five minutes." she said checking her phone.

"Arghh! Now she can't even turn up at time. Now all of us are going to be late because of her stupid tardiness." Emily said with a huge sigh.

"God rescue her from Emily's evil heart." Casey prayed seriously with her eyes closed and her hand joined together in a prayer.

"And God help Casey in finding a guy who looks at her as a girl." Emily said with malice.

"Don't worry I can perfectly find a guy without actually spreading my legs out for each passer-by." Casey bit back to which Jordan whistled loudly and Emily turn red hot in anger.

"I don't have all the time to fight with a bitch like you." she hissed.

"Oh right, I totally forgot. The only time you have is spent in planning who to flirt with and whose pants to get in right? How could I forget?" Casey said feigning sadness. Emily glared at her and was about to snap at her when Mr. Russell clapped his attention to get everyone's attention.

"I am sorry that you have to wait for another ten minutes considering that one of your classmate is late. She is on her way, almost here." He said in a bored tone ignoring all the groans from the students. Just then, a blue Porsche 911 sped into the school with a screeching halt. After a second or two a slightly familiar girl stepped out of the car on her pajamas and a red jacket. Cameron rushed out soon after her from the passenger seat and walked towards her and groaned out aloud.

"God! I forgot how annoying it gets to wake her up." He said pulling out his hair and she just chuckled at him and opened the back seat to give me a view of a sleeping Shaden hugging onto her bag. The girl gently woke her up and got her out of the car.

"You should know that you are really annoying, you idiot." Cam said hitting her head upside down to which she immediately repaid with a tight slap on his arm making him groan in pain.

"I hate that guy Kara. Why are you dating him?" Shaden whined still glaring at the guy in front of her who was in return glaring at her.

"Oh! You have no idea what I would do to take back my promise about staying with him forever. I regret it now." The girl, Kara, said dramatically wiping her forehead off sweat which made Cam look at her with a pout.

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