14 - Good to meet you Amtullah Urmi Mahfouz

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Sam's Pov

It's been a week since that dreadful dinner and today is the day Shaden is coming back home for tutoring Theo. I don't really know the reason but I am really excited to meet him. Today was also the first day of her school after her brother came here. Nothing could describe the excitement and happiness on her face. She kept going on and on about everything happening with her brother.

Though once she did mention that he still doesn't remember her at all, she still didn't sound very. I remember her telling, 'I am happy that he is at least healthy and is able to walk without any problems. I mean if I was in his place, I would be so damn confused and would have pushed everyone away because I don't remember them, but he is really coping with this well. He says that though he doesn't remember me, he knows that I am his sister because, I am great that way.' She ended smugly.

"Dude, its creeping me out to see you smile soo much." Jordan commented.

"Get used to it buddy. I am never frowning again." She said smiling even widely. I don't understand how her cheeks are still not hurting.

"It's good to see her smile so brightly." Casey said with a small smile looking over at Shaden.

"Sure is." I agreed.

"But don't you think she looks tired?" she asked sounding a bit worried.

"Probably because of all the additional work she had to do since her brother came here. Hey, but she isn't at least having any of those bruises on her face and her knuckles are looking better now." I said pointing at her right hand which is again adorned by her five funky rings. After that time when she hit the wall, this is the first time she is wearing those rings again.

"What do they even mean to her?" she wondered.

"Do you want me to ask her?" I asked Casey and she squinted her eyes while thinking.

"Naah. I think I can deal with that little mystery." She said dismissing it. "I really want to meet her brother."

"He sounds like a wonderful kid. Louis met him." I said looking over at Louis who was sitting in front of Shaden and smiling at whatever she was telling. Yea, never seen him this interested in any other person in a while.

"He did?" Casey asked sounding amused. "He sure is showing a lot of interest in her." she said with a smirk. You don't know the half of it, was all I could think of.

"Yea, he was playing with him for around three hours. Said that he was shy at the beginning and then when he got the hang of it, he was as hyper as they come. Then he dropped them at her house and was invited to dinner by Cam's mother and he had dinner with her family and Cam's family. He wouldn't shut up about that night." I said smiling at my best friend.

"It's nice to know that she is happy, especially after seeing her so moody and depressed at the beginning. And I think Louis's presence is actually good for her. And she also brings out the best in Louis." She said smiling at the duo who were arguing.

"Hey, you are wearing those rings again? What do they even mean?" Haru asked. Guess we never needed to raise the subject either ways. She looked at her hand and a shadow of misery passed her face and she just smiled up at us.

"Not that important." She dismissed.

"Doesn't look unimportant to me." Jess said with a shrug.

"I don't want you guys to see me like a freak so I am choosing to ignore that question." she said blushing slightly.

"One, you are already a freak, so you don't have to worry about that. And two, it wasn't a question." Haru corrected her and she glared at him and then stuck her tongue out at him.

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