31 - This is my Happy 'not-an-ending'

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Louis's Pov

"Oh come on, that wasn't that bad a movie." She said laughing.

"It was!" I pointed out. "The serial killer didn't even get caught at the end."

"Yeah, that's because it isn't a fiction. That is a true story and not all government operations are a success." She said and then scoffed at my disapproving face. "You should all stop glorifying the success stories. Cops aren't Gods. They ain't omniscient. I like it when the movies are more realistic."

"You don't believe in a happy ending." I stated and she shrugged. I frowned at her.

"I believe in a happy life. Just not in happy endings. I mean, you might be happy this moment but that's not the end. You can't say it is a happy ending until the end and there is never an end. And one person's happiness is always someone else's misery." She said with nonchalance.

I would've have thought that she is like this because of the recent incidents. But I know that she is just being realistic here. Like always.

"My sweet Simba. Always so perspective." I said ruffling her hair and she swat my hand away. "Anyway, Shaden-" I stopped myself when I saw her breath sharply.

I've been noticing her do that since she came back from meeting that monster. She stiffens whenever someone calls her by her alias name.

"Sorry, Amtullah, so, as I was saying-" I had to stop myself yet again when I saw her chuckling blankly. "What's with that bitter smile?" I asked. She just shrugged.

"It's just hilarious when you all get confused between my two names. I am such a trouble"

"I don't think I will be having that trouble." I said with a shrug. When she raised her brows at me I rolled my eyes. "At least not as much as others." I pointed out.

"Right, you call me Simba." She said with a smile.


"Let's make proper introductions then." She said and sat on the bed. I stood there for a second thinking about it and slowly put down the clothes I was folding to sit beside her.

"Hi, I am Louis Enrique Emerson." I introduced myself.

"Hello Mr. Emerson. I am Amtullah Urmi Mahfouz. But it's Simba for you." she said with a sad smile. "That's the only thing rooting me to normality right now." She said with a sigh.

This is the first time since she got released from the hospital she is speaking about her feelings.

"Of course I am calling you Simba. That is never gonna change." I said with a shrug. She gave me a grateful smile.

"Isn't it ironic? The name Simba?" she asked.

"What about it?" I asked and she just shrugged.

"Everything that happens to Simba in the movie happened to me. He was the cause for his father's death and so was I. My uncle killed my father just like Scar did. And here I am, the poor and stupid Simba chanting Hakuna matata. Nothing is fine Louis. Nothing is and it won't ever be fine." She said with melancholy filling her voice.

"Don't say that. It's not true." I said moving close to her so that she could hold me if she wanted to. She has physically and emotionally been distant these days.

"Which part Lu? Which part isn't the truth?" she asked with a bitter laugh. When I didn't say anything she nodded her head. "That is what I am speaking about. I am a monster. I was born to a monster." She finally said with a sigh.

I frowned at that. I thought she loved her mother and father. Who is the monster there?

"You aren't a monster. Don't ever say that. And your parents aren't monsters too. They love you. A lot." I said and she just scoffed at that. I've never seen her act this bitter.

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