B.B Pt 3 ~ caught

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(B)"wait J-juggie Archie and Veronica are h-here what if they come in" I didnt want to stop him but I had to I put my pants back on and he showed me his writing (B)"your very good" (J)"thanks Betty so am I in" (B)"yeah sure I'll introduce you to everyone on Monday" I took out my phone and took a picture so I could show Kevin (J)"cool lets head back into the living room before they get suspicious"

We walked into the living room to see Archie and Veronica making out (J)"woah Veronica I did not wanna see that" Veronica looked over And I started laughing (V)"we thought you would be reading his writing for longer" Archie wiped Veronicas lipstick off his face (A)"I should go um I'll see you guys at school" (B)"I'll go with you Archie, Pollys gone out for tonight and I think my mom will want a hand with the babies" (V)"bye Guys" (J)"bye Archie, seeya pigtails" I looked back at Jughead and he winked at me (B)"see you guys at school" I left and got a lift home from Archie.

Betty and Archie left (V)"why'd you wink at Betty?" (J)"what are you talking about I didnt wink at her" (V)"It looked like you did" (J)"why would I wink at her Veronica" (V)"I dont know" (J)"exactly I didnt wink at her you were probably just imagining it" I went to my room and organised my desk I noticed Bettys Hair tie on my desk and put it in a drawer.

{Bettys POV}

I woke up to the twins crying (B)"Polly can you calm them down?" I asked waking her up (P)"oh sorry Betty did they wake you" (B)"Its fine I have school soon anyway" I went to the bathroom and showered and then I got dressed, I ate breakfast then went back upstairs to brush my teeth and dry my hair. Before I left I put my hair in its Iconic ponytail and went to Veronicas house so I could walk to school with her. I knocked on her door and she opened it.

(V)"Hey Betty you ready" (B)"Yeah is Jughead coming with us" (V)"no, why do you ask" we started walking (B)"oh I just wanted to talk about you and Archie" Veronica smiled (V)"what about me and Archie" (B)"did you finnaly tell him you Loved him" (V)"he told me he did when you guys were in Jugheads room" (B)"did you say it back" (V)"obviously why wouldnt I" we reached the school (B)"I should find Jughead so I can introduce him to everyone in the blue and gold" (V)"ok seeya first class"

I texted everyone in the blue and gold to meet me there and found Jughead (B)"Jughead come with me so I can introduce you to everyone in the blue and gold" (J)"ok" he followed me and I took him to the blue and gold (B)"guys this is Veronicas Brother Jughead Hes joining the blue and gold" I handed Kevin my phone to show him a picture I took of Jugheads writing (B)"this is Toni shes the photographer and this is Kevin he helps with research and interviewing people for articles" (T)"hey Jughead I didnt know Veronica had a brother" (J)"hey Toni and you didnt know cause she cant stand the fact that im older" (B)"your older than her by a minute" I laughed a little (K)"from the pictures I've seen your supposed to have braces and be ugly" (J)"dont remind me" (K)"im gonna go to my locker now wanna come with me Toni" Toni and Kevin left and Jughead Kissed me (J)"sorry I've wanted to do that since I walked into school" (B)"wait I wanna talk" (J)"whats up" (B)"I like you alot and I cant be just a hookup buddy but I cant tell Veronica whats going on"
(J)"ok then we can just date in secret its very simple" (B)"I guess but what if Veronica finds out" (J)"we can figure it out if she finds out. But for now we can do this.." he kissed me and we started making out I leaned back onto the desk and wrapped my arms around his neck He had his hands on my ass and then the bell went. (J)"I should get to my first class" (B)"yep same" I said and I wiped my lipstick off him and fixed my lipstick.

I walked into class a bit late (Mr.H)"your late miss cooper"
(B)"sorry" I sat down next to Veronica and she passed me a note 'what took you so long' I wrote back 'I was at my locker' I took my books out of my bag and passed the note back to her. (Mr.H)"so today we are going to continue reading to kill a mockingbird can anyone tell us what happened in the last chapter" nobody answered. (Mr.H)"well then good luck on your tests open your books to page 107" he started playing the audio book and I stopped paying attention.

I ate lunch with Archie, Veronica and Jughead until Veronica and Archie left (J)"well they left quickly" (B)"yep were only five minutes into lunch"
(J)"wanna go inside its kinda Cold out here" (B)"yeah ok we could eat in the blue and gold if you want" (J)"yeah sure"

We walked inside and went into the blue and gold. I sat up on one of the desks and he sat in a chair. (B)"We should watch a movie towmorrow" (J)"yeah ok sure" (B)"you can come to my house since my mom and polly are taking the twins to visit Chery" (J)"oh so you will be home alone" (B)"yeah" Jug stood up and kissed me I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck he moved me so he was sitting on the desk and I was on top of him.
I felt his hand go in my pants and he felt my ass as I grinded on him. (J)"your so beautiful" he said kissing my neck I moaned softly. I took off his belt and then the door opened.

Toni walked in and looked as if she didnt know what to say (B)"well Fuck"
Jughead got up and closed the door (T)"what are you guys doing?" (J)"isnt it obvious" (B)"please dont tell anyone" Toni burst out laughing (B)"why are you laughing" (T)"Betty you have a giant hickey on your neck"
(J)"shit" (B)"how the fuck do I hide that" Toni passed me her scarf (T)"i'm not saying Im fine with this but I wont tell Veronica. For now"
(B)"Thanks Toni" (T)"but can you guys not have sex on my desk" (J)"yeah sorry about that" Jughead put his belt back on (T)"oh by the way a bunch of people are coming in here in a while to start planning the winter formal so I suggest you put on that scarf and fix your makeup" (J)"thanks for the warning" I fixed my makeup and put the scarf on (J)"sorry about your neck betts" (B)"its fime Jug" (T)"im still here so please dont start making out" Jughead wiped his face (J)"sorry, again about what you walked in on" (T)"yeah its fine"

{Jugheads POV}
My phone buzzed it was my mom I read the text and looked at Betty (J)"Apperently im coming to your house for dinner Betty" Toni laughed again (T)"can I come over I would love to witness the awkwardness" (B)"how funny Toni" (J)"your gonna need more than a scarf for dinner" (B)"I'll use concealer Its not a big deal"

Me and Betty left the blue and gold just as more people walked in.

To be continued...

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