B.B pt. 20 ~ The sleepover

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{Bettys POV}

I was lying in bed with Jug and still had like twenty minutes until Kevin and Cheryl were supposed to be at Veronicas.

After five minutes the door opened and Kavin jumped on the bed (K)"I have been sent to get Betty" (B)"damn Kevin ever heard of knocking" (K)"yes but Veronica said not to so Im here to kidnap you" I started getting up and Jug pulled me back down (J)"this isnt fair you know" (K)"you can come with us were doing facemasks" (J)"you know what I think I have homework bye".

Me and Kev went to Veronicas room. (V)"Yass Kevin you managed to seperate them" (K)"its a rare talent" (B)"he threatened Jug with facemasks" (C)"yeah that explains it, we should play truth or dare" (B)"oooh yes" (V)"ok Kevin truth or dare" (K)"dare" (V)"ok so Jughead has my airpods you have to sneak into his room and get them" (B)"you know I can get them easily" (V)"no thats to easy but if u know where they are that'll help" (B)"they're in his desk drawer" (K)"ok someone distract him" (B)"ooh I can do that" I ran to jugs room (B)"babe I think I left my makeup in your bathroom last night can you help me look" (J)"yeah sure" he got up and went into his bathroom with me. I closed the door (B)"I think its in one of the drawers" he gave it to me (B)"thanks" I kissed him and he kissed back putting his hands around my waist. I heard Veronica laugh and assumed Kev was done (B)"I should get back to veronica" (J)"ok seeya babe" I grabbed the makeup and walked back into Veronicas room closing the door (K)"I got airpods and I also saw condoms so we know Bettys Busy" (V)"I thought you were on the pill" (B)"ugh not anymore thats like a fucking deppression tablet" (C)"anyway whos next" (K)"Cheryl truth or dare" (C)"Ill go truth" (K)"ok um how old were you when you had your first kiss" (C)"um I was around 11" (C)"Betty truth or dare" (B)"dare" (C)"I dare you to grab Jugheads beanie" (B)"ok easy" I got up and walked to Juggies room. (B)"hi Juggie" (J)"hey Betts" I kissed him (B)"ugh I cant wait for your mom to fall asleep" (J)"ugh same" I took Jugs beanie (B)"I'll be back soon" I put it on and walked back into the room and sat on the bed (B)"Hello" (C)"ok but how thats an impossible task" (B)"cmon I have power" (B)"ok Veronica truth or dare" (V)"truth" (B)"were you suspicious of me and Jug before you found out we were dating" (V)"I thought you were going out with someone I just didnt know who" (B)"you were so angry when you found out though looking back it was a bit funny" (V)"oh I was pissed off like and I was a bitch" the door opened (J)"yo I just checked and momes asleep so im joining you" (B)"ooh yay we're playing truth or dare" Jug sat behind me on the bed wrapping his arms around me (V)"ok Jughead truth or dare" (J)"Truth I guess" (V)"oh um ok, when did you start liking Betty" (J)"think we were five I thought her pigtails were  cute then I gave her a flower and she threw it on the floor and I got mad so decided we had to be enemies"
(B)"aww I forgot about that" (K)"Betty that wasnt nice, what type of flower was it" (B)"a rose, it hurt my hand it still had thorns I thought he was trying to make me cry" (J)"I took it from one of the vases in your house" (V)"but you guys didnt get along before that" (J)"oh I thought she had cooties" (B)"seriously" (J)"thats what Archie told me so I wanted to save myself" (B)"thats really cute acctually" I looked back at him and he gave me a peck on the lips (J)"ok Cheryl truth or dare" (C)"dare"
(J)"Prank call someone" (C)"who"
(J)"anyone" (C)" ok" (K)"turn off caller id though" (C)"oh yeah" she turned off caller Id and called someone. Once they picked up I realised it was Polly. (P)"who is this" Cheryl made her voice deeper and spoke in an accent (C)"I know what you did" (P)"who are you?" (C)"you know who I am" (P)"No I dont" (C)"I know what you did last summer" (P)"really what a surprise, so does everyone, I had children" I laughed a bit (P)"is that Bettys laugh" (C)"erm no" (P)"ok bye guys have fun prank calling" she hung up

(K)"can we watch movies now" (B)"ooh yes me and Jug will make popcorn and you guys can set up the tv" we went to the kitchen and put some popcorn in the microwave I kissed Jug (B)"Juggie" (J)"yeah" the microwave beeped (B)"nevermind" I took the popcorn out and poured it in a bowl (J)"what were you gonna say Betty" (B)"I was gonna ask if your sure your moms asleep" (J)"yeah of course" (B)"just checking" we went to the living room with the popcorn. I gave it to Kevin,Veronica and Cheryl then me and Jug sat down. They started playing the movie and after a while we got board.

Juggie and me left and went to his room. (B)"ok remember we have to be quiet" (J)"im not stupid" he locked his door and I took my clothes off so I was only in my underwear he did the same. He kissed me pushing me back onto the bed. I could feel his boner through his boxers and I let out a slight moan. He smirked looking at me. He pulled my underwear off and pulled his boxers down. He looked up at me for consent and I nodded.

He thrust into me and went slow at first (B)"F-faster Juggie" he went harder and faster and I covered my mouth to be quieter. Suddenly he pulled out of me (B)"why'd  you do that" He got up and grabbed a condom off his desk (J)"cause we forgot" He put the condom and stuck himself in me moving faster than before. I let out a moan then covered my mouth again. I came and he kept going. His thrusts got sloppier and he came in the condom then threw it in the bin. (B)"god that was amazing" (J)"im just glad I remembered before it was too late" (B)"ugh same I can barely take care of myself" he kissed me and passed me my clothes (B)"gimme your t-shirt" he gave it to me and I put my underwear on and his t-shirt on. He put on his boxers and some shorts. (B)"wanna see what everyones doing" (J)"yeah lets go" we walked in and cheryl and Veronica and Kevin was just sitting there eating popcorn (K)"oh your back now ive upgraded from a third wheel to a fifth wheel" we heard hermiones door open (B)"shit seperate them" kevin hit them and they pulled apart (C)"what was that for" hermione walked in (H)"you guys should get to bed soon its getting late" (V)"we will mom dont worry" hermione noticed us (H)"and I want Jug in his room and Betty in well any other room ok" (J)"ok mom" she left and closed the door after her (K)"I dont think you two are the ones she has to worry about seperating" we loomed at Cheryl and Veronica who were kissing again.

(B)"yeah im gonna go to bed, Kevin do you wanna sleep in the guest room" (K)"yes im too scared to be in the same room as them" me jug and kevin got up and Kevin went into the room (J)"goodnight Betts" he kissed me (B)"night Jug" he walked towards his room and I went into the guest room. I lied down and fell asleep almost immediatly

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