B.B pt.30(final part) ~ The Baby

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Takes place a week before her due date

{Bettys POV}

I was cuddling with Juggie when my water broke. (B)"shit have you got the hospital bag" (J)"shes not meant to come for a week" He got up and grabbed the bag. (J)"MOMM CAN YOU DRIVE US TO THE HOSPITAL" I heard Hermione walking down the hallway (H)"Jug its the middle of the night" (B)"I think my water broke"
(H)"oh shit lets go" I got up and we went in the car Hermione ran into my house quickly and came out with my mom who was half asleep.

(A)"Hey guys" (J)"hi Alice how are you" (A)"oh im great thanks" Hermione started driving to the hospital and we went in. (B)"ow" I held onto Jug since the contractions were really bad. I got a room in the maternity ward and changed into a hospital gown. A few doctors walked in (dr.J)"hi im Dr.Johnson and"
(B)"owww fuck" the doctor gave me anestetics so It would hurt less (Dr.J)"ok its crowning already, im going to need you to push" I pushed like I was told. Jug was holding my hand and I was in so much pain. I heard crying and looked up to see them weighing my baby. (Dr.J)"congratulations its a healthy baby girl" they handed her to me. (B)"aww hello" (J)"shes tiny" (B)"hello Rosie" we named her Rosie since the first flower Jug ever gave me was a rose.(thats the meaning of the rose in the cover btw, I mentioned the rose thing on the group sleepover when they were playing rruth or dare) Her tiny hand gripped around one of my fingers. After a while the baby was cleaned up and we but her in a little one piece Mom and Hermione walked in (H)"were grandmas, god that makes me feel old, the baby is calling me nanna so I dont sound old" I laughed (A)"can I hold her" I looked up at Jug since he was holding her (J)"sure" He gave her to mom and I watched my moms eyes light up. (A)"what are you guys naming her you never told us"
(B)"Rosie" (H)"its a beautiful name" (A)"here" mom gave Hermione the baby (B)"im so tired" (J)"thats probably becausse its two am" I smiled (B)"yeah probably, can I hold her again" Hermione gave her to me (B)"she so tiny" (A)"so whose house is the baby living in" (B)"I think we could stay at Hermiones during the week and on the weekend stay at yours mom that way Neither of you can complain plus I can force Veronica to babysit" (J)"thats a smart plan" (A)"todays Saturday and you'll probably be out by tonight which means I get the baby first" (H)"thats not fair" (A)"I'll tell Polly to move one of the old cribs to your room and make the bed with the new ssheets I bought for it" She left the room on the phone (H)"I'll leave you two alone with the baby" she left the room aswell (J)"Shes beautiful, my little princess" He sat next to me on the hospital bed and ran his fingers through his hair. I was so tired and practically asleep I felt Jug take Rosie out of my arms before I fell asleep.

I woke up at around 1p.m. Jug woke me up. (J)"Veronica,Polly and the twins are coming to see Rosie I brought you a muffin" he gave me a blueberry muffin. Mom was in the corner holding Rosie and laughing (A)"she is just adorable" I started eating the Muffin and Veronica ran in (V)"omg im an aunt where is the baby" (B)"shush Im tired and my mom has her" Polly walked in after with the twins. The twins started running around the room. (V)"oh my god shes tiny" Veronica was holding her (J)"Be careful with her Veronica if you drop her we'll kill you" (V)"I am being careful" (P)"Veronica you should cradle her head a little more" (V)"oh yeah, Wait im the only non-baby in this room who isnt a parent" (J)"yeah and theres a reason for that you would drop the child instantly" Polly took the baby off her and started smiling (P)"I miss when they were this tiny wanna trade you can upgrade to two almost two year olds instantly"
(J)"no thanks" (P)"it was worth a shot" I sat up a bit (B)"Juggie" (J)"yeah" he looked at me (B)"come over here" He walked over and I sat up (B)"thank you" I sat up grabbing his beanie and put it on. (J)"I should Just buy you one" I laughed (B)"but I like yours"

Hi ok so the first part or my sequal thingy is either up or going up so go check that out if you want xx

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