B.B Pt.5 ~ Honesty

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{Bettys POV}
After everyone left mom went to her room I knocked on her door. (A)"are
you ready to be honest Betty" (B)"I cant remember the guys name I was drunk" I knew if I lied and said I was drunk she would think it was a one time thing (B)"it wont happen again I swear" (A)"Betty Im very disapointed in you but since your being honest I might rethink your punishment a bit"
(B)"Really, thank you mom" I hugged her (A)"go to bed now" I ran to my room smiling I got away with it.

I took out my phone and texted Juggie
(B)'Hey Juggie'
(J)'Im surprised your alive'
(B)"im acctually a zombie🧟‍♀️'
(J)'oh no dont eat my brains🤣'
(B)'lol, I told my mom I was drunk and she was proud of me for being honest'
(J)'lets hope you dont get burnt when I come over towmorrow'
(B)'oh I dont mind getting burnt in unnoticeable places'
(J)'I gtg seeya towmorrow'
(B)'night Juggie❤'
(J)'goodnight Betts😴'
I turned my phone off and changed into my pajamas. I went to bed so excited for towmorrow.

Next morning
I woke up and started getting ready I showered did my hair and ate breakfast then I got dressed and went into Pollys room. (B)"do you have a scarf I can borrow" (P)"yeah sure" she got up out of bed and handed me a plain white scarf (P)"try not to let anyone see You dont want to get a reputation" I went to my room and did my makeup I decided not to put lipstick on. I put on a layer of foundation on my neck but it was too light and you could still see the hickey so I put the scarf on.I brushed my teeth and walked to Veronicas.

I knocked on Veronicas door and Hermione answered. (B)"is Veronica here" (H)"you just missed her Archie picked her up nice scarf" she laughed. Jughead ran out the door (J)"seeya mom" I saw him waiting outside (B)"Ill just walk myself bye Hermione" I caught up to Jughead.

(B)"Is Veronica mad at me or something" I held his hand and we walked slowly together (J)"no I dont think so" (B)"we always walk together" (J)"she probably just wanted to go to school with Archie its not a big deal" (B)"ok I guess Im overthinking it" (J)"hows your neck"
(B)"I still have to wear a scarf so its still really noticable" we were coming closer to the school so Jughead let go of my hand (J)"we should tell Veronica soon" (B)"I know but when we tell her we have to tell our parents and then friends and thats just so much talking you know" (J)"ok but I dont think Toni likes the stress of helping us stay secret plus people talk" we reached the school (B)"seeya at lunch Juggie and remember We were arguing yesterday so we cant be too happy today" (J)"ok bye Betts" I ran into school and found Veronica.

(B)"Why werent you at home V"
(V)"Sorry Betty Archie picked me up I didnt know he was going to or I would have told you" (B)"its fine I just thought you were mad at me"
(V)"anyway I love your scarf mind if I try it on" she teased me (B)"ok thats not funny, I regret telling you what happened" (V)"it is a little funny" Kevin came over (K)"whats a little funny" V looked at me (V)"can I tell him please" I rolled my eyes (V)"Betty has a hickey thats why shes wearing a scarf" (K)"ooh scandelous but everyone knows you hate scarfs you litrally wouldnt shut up about they are a stupid thing that you wouldnt be caught dead in like all of last year" (B)"I lost my conceler and my foundation wont hide it" (K)"who else knows about it" (B)"my mom, my sister, Veronicas mom, Jughead, Veronica, you and Toni." (V)"Wait Toni knows" (B)"I asked her for a scarf before I asked Polly and she just had to know why"

(V)"Archie knows too he saw us talking about it through his window yesterday and When he asked I couldnt lie" I looked at Veromica (V)"sorry" (B)"did he see anything else" (V)"no why?" (K)"ooh is there more to the story" (B)"I spent about five minutes arguing with Jughead  and he already saw us fight before"
(K)"Why would you two be arguing anyway" (V)"hes always calling her pigtails" (B)"yeah can you stop him from calling me that its very annoying" Jughead walked over (J)"hey guys,hey Pigtails" (B)"stop calling me that beanie boy" (J)"ok
Curling Iron. Anyway Veronica do you have a Charger." (B)"what did you just call me" Veronica handed him a charger. (V)"I suggest you run she looks pissed" (J)"yeah um bye" he ran off. (K)"ok that was funny, scary and I could feel the sexual tension" (V)"ew Kev thats my Brother that would never happen, right B" (B)"uh yeah right" I got a text from Juggie saying 'Sorry about calling you that Betts' I texted him back saying it was ok. (K)"who are you texting" (B)"just Toni" I put my phone in my pocket (K)"I think shes lying" Veronica went to grab my phone I ran into the blue and gold and they followed me Toni was in there.

(V)"did Betty Just text you Toni" she looked at me (T)"yeah I was asking is she needed me to take pictures at the next game" (B)"And I said yes obviously" she wrote something down and the Bell went and we all walked to class.

(B)"Veronica we have a sub"
(Mrs.H)"hello students I will be your teacher today no talking and no gum now take out some work to do" I took out a book and read.That class was a bore we had science next and I knew Jughead was in that class so I was excited.

I walked into science and sat down with Veronica. (Mr.J)"ok students your getting new lab partners today Cheryl your with Veronica, Toni is with Kevin, Archie is with Reggie..." he called out everyones pairs and he called out mine last (Mr.J)"and last but not least Betty your with Jughead" I rolled my eyes so Veronica would think I was annoyed then sat in the back next to Jug. (J)"hey Betts" he whispered (B)"hey Jug" I whispered back (J)"so what movie are we watching later" (B)"I dunno we can decide later" we were whispering to eachother for a while until the teacher said (Mr.J)"Betty and Jughead would you like to share your conversation" (B)"sorry sir" (J)"yeah sorry"

As I was leaving the class Reggie approached me (R)"you know Betty I thought you didnt like scarfs" (B)"I guess you thought wrong" (R)"or maybe your hiding something" He pulled my scarf off in the hallway and everyone saw I grabbed it off him and ran to the bathroom. Toni and Veronica ran after me Toni walked in first (T)"are you ok Betty?" (B)"Am I a horrible friend I lied to Veronica abo-" Veronica walked in (V)"omg Betty are you ok I can get Archie to beat Reggie up if you want" (T)"Betty you should tell her" (V)"tell me what" um one second I texted Jughead 'im telling her Juggie' (B)"I uh um well" (V)"what is it Betty?" She looked annoyed and I blurted it out (B)"I slept with your Brother and I've been kind of secretly dating him"

To be contiued...

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