B.B Pt.28 ~ Telling him

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{Jugheads POV}

We pulled up outside Bettys house and I ran to the door. Alice opened it (A)"oh hi Jughead.. um Bettys in her room" I ran upstairs and went to her room she was walking back and forward, saying something and crying (J)"you ok" (B)"oh um Jughead I er.. well" I looked at her (J)"you need to sit down" (B)"not as much as you will need to" (J)"whats going on Betty"

{Bettys POV}

(B)"your gonna hate me when I tell you" (J)"I could never hate you, what is it" (B)"I-i'm Pre-gnant" his eyes widened and he sat down (J)"my moms gonna kill me" (B)"im sorry Jug" (J)"why Its not your fault if anything its mine" He hugged me and looked in my eyes (J)"Betts I love you that'll never change" (B)"promise" (J)"I promise" He smiled a little (J)"but I might die when my mom finds out but hey she cant be worse then what your mom will be" (B)"oh she already knows shes not happy with it but not that mad either" (J)"but I thought she'd be bad according to Veronica she didnt talk to Polly for two months" (B)"yeah but she got over that" (J)"how do I tell my mom" (B)"I'd say my mom probably will" (J)"ugh that'll be interesting" (B)"mhm yep, wanna head downstairs" he wiped my eyes cause I still had tears on my cheeks.

Polly ran in (P)"um Im gonna warn you Hermiones coming up cause mom told her so um good luck I guess"
(J)"fuck, Im dead" (B)"I dont get why your scared your moms the sweetest" (J)"yeah until shes mad" The door burst open and she walked in (H)"Jughead I am so disapointed in you, your grounded for a month, I expected Better from the two of you" (A)"Hermione it's not all their fault" (H)"how isnt it" (A)"we gave them to much freedom they werent prepared now they will learn responsibility" (H)"they are sixteen Alice" (A)"So Hermione are you saying every desition you made at sixteen was perfect" (H)"well no but, um Its different Alice and you know that" (A)"Hermione we cant change the past" mom and Hermione went into the hallway to talk about it. (J)"do you think Veronica knows yet" (B)"oh fuck I gotta tell her" I got up and ran downstairs. (V)"do you know whats happening I came here for food and I still havent eaten" (B)"Im pregnant" I practically whispered cause I didnt want her hearing  (V)"your what" (B)"pregnant" (V)"Imma be an auntie, I gotta tell everyone" (B)"dont"
(V)"why?" (B)"You know what type of  reputation I would get" (V)"oh yeah Is that why my moms so mad" (B)"yep"
(V)"but your moms chill" (B)"I know weird right and your moms mad which is surprising" (V)"maybe they swiched cause they were board" (B)"that makes sense" Jug came running downstairs (J)"ok everyone act like were decent humans moms coming" (H)"But Alice I dont get why your fine with this" (A)"oh trust me Hermione im the opposite of fine but I'm choosing to let her learn responsibilty from this" (H)"nope I thought them resposibility" (A)"well obviously not well enough" The noticed us (A)"we werent talking about you guys we were talking about Polly" (P)"I heard that" Polly walked in the room and sat down (A)"are the twins" (P)"I fed them and put them down for a nap... whens lunch" (A)"see look Polly learnt responsibility and lets be honest none of us thought that would happen" (P)"true" (V)"can we just eat im hungry" (B)"same" (A)"oh yeah thats what I forgot, who wants Pops" (B)"yes I would love a vanilla milkshake right now"  (J)"mom you ok" (H)"I dont like being wrong" (A)"you must hate your life" They both laughed.

To Be continued...

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