B.B pt.22 ~ The airport

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{Bettys POV}

I saw a shop that had a small pharmacy attached and asked mom if we could stop (A)"we dont need to stop Betty me and Hermione brought snacks if your hungry".

After half an hour of mom not pulling over Hermione called my mom and mom put it on speaker (A)"hello" (H)"Alice can we pull over at the next place with a pharmacy Jughead has a headache and wants to run in to get something for it"
(A)"ok but It has to be a quick stop" The phone call ended (A)"you can get out for a minute then aswell Betty" (B)"ok thanks".

Mom pulled over and I hopped out and Jug ran up to me. (J)"Ok so we need your plan B and we need to buy  something for headaches so she cant tell I was lying" (B)"yeah ok we gotta be quick before someone is sent in after us" I ran through the aisles looking for it and couldnt find it. Jug ran up to me with the headache stuff in hand (J)"will I buy it and you run out ahead" (B)"I cant find any" (J)"please say this is just a cruel joke" (B)"no um maybe we can buy it as soon as we arrive" I ran out to the car and grabbed my carry on so I could sit in the other car (B)"hey" (V)"yass betty welcome to the fun car" Jug came running in and sat in the seat infront of me.

Jug rolled down his window and pretended to take one of the headache pills then threw it out the window (J)"thanks for stopping" (H)"oh its no problem" (H)"so Betty why'd you swich cars" (B)"cause i'm squashed between two baby seats in the other" (V)"why between them" (B)"the seats only fit in the window seats" (V)"and thats why not to have kids" Jug laughed. (H)"aww no, babies are lovely at the right age of course dont any of you get any ideas"
(J)"dammit guess I cant get pregnant yet then" me and V laughed and Hermione looked a Jug clearly concerned (J)"it was a joke mom" she just nodded her head and got back to driving.

He looked back at me and smiled. (J)"can I climb into the back" (H)"yeah quickly" I moved to the middle and he hopped into the back and sat where I was. I rested my head on his shoulder And then Veronica put her legs on my lap. (B)"Thanks for asking Veronica" (V)"bold of you to assume I would've listend if you said no" (B)"ok yeah that was a bold  assuption" (J)"mom do you know where everyones sitting on the plane" (H)"oh You and polly have window seats Jughead, Betty and me have middle seats, and Alice and Veronica have aisles and the twins are young enough to sit on peoples laps still" (B)"ooh are me, Jug and Veronica in a row" (H)"yep we were gonna seperate you and Jughead but we decided to be nice to you" (B)"yess thank you".

After a while we reached the airport. We still had an hour and a half until the flight but mom was acting like we had two minutes. We made it through security easy enough mom had bagged the liquids and packed everything perfectly. We gave our suitcases to the people so we can get them when we arive. Once we were through security mom immidiatly found where we had to go. (J)"ok but how has she figured it out so fast" (B)"its a talent, plus its on the sign"  Jug held my hand and we started walking to the gate. (P)"hey Betty can you hold Juniper for me I cant hold both of them right now" (B)"yeah sure" i took Juniper, and Jug smirked at me. Polly stoped to go to the bathroom and Jug offered to take dagwood while everyone waited. An old lady walked up to us (OL)"your babies are very cute" jug laughed (B)"there not our there my sisters there names are juniper and Dagwood" (OL)"oh they are just the cutest" Polly came out and took dagwood off jug (A)"ok lets go, lets go" we reached the gate with 40 minutes until out flight. (B)"me and Juggie are gonna run to the shop to buy some drinks" (A)"ok be  quick" we ran to a shop and looked around (Lets just say theres no pharmacy at the airport ok) (B)"I should get a magazine" (J)"nah you'll get bored fast maybe buy a book" we bought out drinks and I bought the book 'The Sun Is Also A Star' we walked back to mom who was playing with tha babies in the line she was at the front and we joined her. (J)"we have returned"

(Flight attendant)(FA)" flight 1789A to New York is now boarding. We got on the plane and sat down.

To be continued

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