B.B pt.24 ~ Stuck inside

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{Bettys POV}

Jug ran back into the kitchen where everyone was. I walked in after him and watched him sit up on the couawenter. (J)"what time are we going towmorrow" (A)"first thing in the morning" I sat next to him on the counter. (B)"Where are the babies" (P)"there in bed so you have to talk quieter" (B)"yeah fine" Jug got off the counter and pulled me down with him. (B)"I was compfy" (J)"mom can we order pizza" (H)"sure I'll order it" (J)"ok, Betty im kidnapping you" he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the room I took his hat off and threw it into the hallway hoping he would stop he didnt (B)"no I wanna talk to everyone else" (J)"nope" he closed the door and lifter me up then threw my on the bed.

He jumped on top of me and started kissing me. I heard lightning outside and Jug looked at me. (J)"thats gonna be annoying to listen to" Hermione walked in (H)"you two should go to bed soon" (B)"we will" Hermione left and I changed into some shorts and a sports bra and jug just took of everything but his boxers and we went to bed.

The next morning

I woke up and was still half asleep, Juggies arms were wrapped around me and his head was on my shoulder. (B)"morning Juggie" he moved his head slightly (J)"morning Betts" he ran his fingers through my hair. I noticed it was raining. (B)"do you think anyone has an umbrella for shopping today" (J)"I hope so". We stayed in bed cuddling for another hour and then my mom walked in (A)"im so sorry guys we cant go shopping today the weathers to bad" (J)"thats ok" I fell asleep in Juggies arms again.

I woke up two hours later cause I heard laughing (J)"why are you two in here" (V)"will you just answer the question" (B)"what question" (P)"nothing Jughead we'll leave if you answer" jug looked at them (J)"yeah eventually, now go away" they left the room giggling (B)"what was that about" (J)"ugh well I was playing with the twins then they started asking if i'd ever have kids" I remembered that I still hadnt taken the pill (B)"oh fuck we need to go to a shop now" (J)"why" (B)" I havent taken plan B yet" (J)"ok Betts I dont think the chances are high for you getting pregnant since we had unprotected sex like once" (B)"Yeah I guess" he kissed me and Pulled my closer to him, the door opened and my mom walked in I pulled away and sat up (B)"hi mom" (A)"Betty can we talk in another room" (B)"but im compfy in here" (J)"I can leave if you want" (A)"thanks Jughead" jug put a hoodie on and left the room closing the door after him (B)"what is it mom" (A)"you know I dont like you and Jughead sharing a room so Im just gonna tell you this, the walls here are very thin so remember that" I looked at her disgusted (B)"why did you decide to tell me that" (A)"cause im in the room next to you and I dont wanna here anything ok" (B)"yeah yeah I get it" I left and went to the kitchen where Jug was. (V)"Betty do you wanna watch a movie later" (B)"yeah sure, ooh and we should do facemasks" (V)"yass" (J)"can I join" (B)"no, its a girls night so you cant im sorry rules are rules" Veronica laughed (J)"this is sexism" (V)"yes it is whats your point" Polly walked in (P)"what are you two doing" (V)"planning a girls night"
(P)"ooh yes im in" (J)"Betts why cant I-" (B)"no Jug its a girls night and I dont think your a girl" (J)"what can I do tonight then" (P)"oh you can keep an eye on juniper and dagwood if you want" (J)"you know what maybe I'll just sleep instead" (B)"Juug Ive never seen you sleep at a reasonable time I dont think you will sleep" (J)"your probably right" he left the room and I heard him jump onto the bed. (V)"Ok so Betty.. ahem betty" Veronica hit my arm (V)"earth to Betty" (B)"oh sorry Veronica what is it" (V)"what movie are we watching" (P)"why dont we watch a series instead cause  then we wont have to pick a new show for a while" (B)"yeah that'll be fun" (V)"do you think we'll be able to buy snacks" (P)"I probably could but I dont know if mom will let you two leave" (V)"yeah thats probably right can you ask then" (P)"yeah i'll go ask now do you two wanna write a list of what I need" she left and Veronica started writing stuff down on a piece of paper (V)"do you wanna add anything" (B)"no thanks im fine" (V)"ok I guess we just have to see if Polly can go to the shops" mom and Polly walked in (A)"Polly can go to the shops but you two cant cause you dont know your way around and Pollys been here before" (B)"ok thats fine" (V)"wanna pick a show Betty" (B)"yeah sure"

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