B.B pt.25 ~ Girls Night

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{Betty's POV}

We were in the living room and wrapped up in blankets on the couch, Me and Veronica decided to watch on my block and Polly came in (P)"I bring snacks" (V)"yay, we're watching on my block" Polly sat down and we turned it on. After a few episodes we got bored and Veronica turned it off. We went to Veronicas room (V)"can I do your makeup Polly" (P)"Sure but dont make me look like a clown" (V)"ok Betty can you grab you and Pollys makeup bags so I have options" (B)"yeah I'll be back in a sec" I grabbed Pollys from her room then walked into me and jugs room to get mine (B)"hey Jug" (J)"hi Betts, what are you doing" (B)"just getting my makeup bag" (J)"noooo, I want attention" (B)"Ill give you attention towmorrow you baby" I grabbed my makeup bag and went back to the room. (B)"I bring you makeup" (V)"yesss"veronica had already poured her makeup on the bed and I pured mine and pollys on the bed aswell in seperate piles of course so they didnt get mixed up (P)"I'm really scared your gonna ruin my face Veronica" (B)"I'll stop her if she does" (V)"no you wont" I laughed (B)"yeah shes right" Veronica did Pollys makeup reallu well and I got an idea (B)"what If I do your makeup blindfolded Veronica then after you can do mine" (V)"Ok yess and we can both do Pollys" (P)"you know what I should make sure juniper and dagwood are asleep" she left before we got the chance to destrow her face (B)"ok give me something to cover my eyes with" She grabbed a scarf (V)"use this" I wrapped it around my face covering my eyes and reached into one of the piles. I grabbed a brush and what im pretty sure was an eyeshadow palet. I chose a colour and put it on Veronicas eyelids she started laughing (B)"should I try mascara" (V)"No thanks I like being able to see" (B)"yeah smart choice, I forgot Foundation" (V)"its fine I dont really wear it anyway" I put lipstick on her and then blush. I took off the blindfold and burst out laughing. (B)"I made you look like a clown" Veronica looked in the mirror (V)"ok my turn"

She did the makeup and got lipgloss all over my face. We wiped it off and Polly cane back in as we were packing it into the bags. (B)"we shouldve waited so we could ruin her face" (P)"nope your not allowed near my face" we put the makeup bags on the floor (B)"ok now what will we do" (P)"ooh truth or dare" (V)"ok sure" (B)"Polly Truth or dare" (P)"umm truth" I looked at Veronica who said (V)"who was your first ever crush" (P)"I think it was someone from the summer camp I went to when I was like five" (B)"ok my  turn someone ask me" (V)"truth or dare Betty" (B)"dare" (V)"I dare you to knock on my moms door and come back in here before she opens it" (B)"easy" I went into the hallway and knocked on the door then ran back to the room. I heard her door open and then close. (B)"Ok Veronica truth or dare" (V)"um dare I guess" (B)"I dare you to draw a moustache on Juggie" (V)"ok but can you check if hes asleep" (B)"yeah sure cmon" we got up and went to the room Veronica waited outside while I went in (B)"Jug" I walked over to him and gave his forehead a peck and he didnt move (B)"hes asleep" Veronica walked in and started drawing she swirled the moustache and then ran out. I followed her out and we went back to the room. (B)"Im kinda tired wanna sleep" (P)"yeah I might sleep with the twins though so Ill see you two in the morning" she left and Veronica picked up the remote (V)"wanna watch a movie" (B)"yeah sure" she put on tatb2 and I fell asleep halfway through.

I woke up to Veronica and Polly laughing (B)"whats funny" (V)"nothing Jughead just still hasn't realised the moustache is on his face" I smiled and went to find him he was in the kitchen eating cereal. Veronica was behing me. (B)"morning Juggie" I kissed him (J)"good morning"
(V)"Jughead  I think you need to shave" I laughed (J)"I dont get the joke" (V)"yeah thats like the whole point" (B)"dont worry about it Jug but shes right you need to shave" He got up and walked to a mirror (J)"what did you guys do" (V)"isnt it obvious we drew a moustache" he was so annoyed and I tried not to laugh but hes so cute when he's angry  plus the moustache is really funny (J)"this better wash off" (B)"it would be funny if it didnt though" (J)"Betts I dont wanna be walking around like this" (B)"I think you look cute Jug" (J)"Betts im trying to be mad dont be adorable right now" (B)"oh ok" I looked down" (J)"ok nope cmon" he picked me up and brought me to the room and closed the door. He put me on the bed and got on top of me. I kissed him pulling his head to mine. He was pulling at my top so I pulled away. I burst out laughing (B)"oh god your right that moustache better wash off" (J)" maybe I should have a shower" he got off me and I sat up (B)"but you have to tell me if it washes off after ok" (J)"ok fine" He went to the bathroom and I fixed my top and went to annoy Veronica.

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