B.B Pt.15 ~ New Year, New Romance

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This part starts on New Years Eve

{Bettys POV}
I woke up in juggies arms he had come back from his ski trip with his friends yesterday and I haven't let him leave my side since he got back. I threw on one of Juggies t-shirts since I was practically naked and I spent the night at Jugheads house. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. Hermione walked in (H)"oh Betty I didnt know you stayed last night"
(B)"im sorry I assumed Jug told you I can head home if you want" (H)"oh no stay your moms coming here in a while anyway" I smiled then finished
my glass of water and washed the cup then I went back to Jugheads room.

He was lying down. (B)"my moms coming over so now I have to acctually get dressed" he pulled me onto the bed (J)"or we could just stay in bed when she comes over" he wrapped his arms around me (B)"no we cant she thinks were getting too serious because I stayed here last night and Veronica wasnt even here"
(J)"does that mean more talks bacause I have to listen to enough already" I rolled my eyes (B)"its as if she wants me to be a baby forever" I got up and got dressed and Jughead threw on some Jeans and a hoodie. (B)"did you hear about Cheryls party tonight"
(J)"yeah isnt Veronica helping her set up" (B)"yeah I think she is" we heard a knock on the front door and we went to open it. (B)"hey mom" I said as she walked in (A)"hi Betty have you seen Hermione anywhere" (J)"Oh I can get her" he ran diwn the hallway and told her my mom was here.and then ran back to where I was standing.

(J)"she saide she will be down in a second and to sit down if you'd like" I went to the kitchen, took an apple from the fruit bowl and sat down on the counter to eat it. As I was about to bite into the apple Jughead came in and grabbed it off me. (B)"hey I was gonna eat that" (J)"you didnt wash it" He washed the apple at the sink and gave it back to me (B)"I wasnt gonna die from eating an unwashed apple"
(J)"yeah but anything coul've touched it" I rolled my eyes then bit into the apple (B)"oh no im dying" (J)"very funny" I could hear our moms talking in the other room Jughead kissed me softly and I pulled away (B)"im eating my apple stop trying to eat me" I laughed (J)"imma eat you tonight" Jughead got a text and took out his phone (J)"woah" (B)"what happened?"
(J)"um according to Archie, Veronica broke up with him because she found someone else" (B)"omg who is he cute" Jughead smirked (J)"not a he" my eyes widened (B)"who is it?" I grabbed the phone (B)"Its Cheryl"
(Choni  didnt happen in this au but Cheryl and toni are best friends)  (J)"ok but if she likes girls why did she date Archie" (B)"your so adorably stupid shes bi" (J)"oh Yeah that explains it" (B)"I have to call her" I kissed Juggies cheek and ran to his room to call her in private.

{Jugheads POV}
I was very confused on if I was suposed to be talking to Archie straight after the breakup... eh I dont care. I walked to my room and went to open the door but it was locked (J)"you do realise this is my room Betts" (B)"sush Juggie" she yelled through the door. I went back the kitchen and poured myself some juice my mom walked in (H)"oh Jughead wheres Betty" (J)"shes talking to Veronica and I have been kicked out of my own room" I said the last part smiling its cute how Bossy she gets and how everything I own is apparently hers too (H)"what are they talking about" (J)"I dont think im allowed to say" mum left the kitchen and I heard her knock on my door a minute later and her talking to Betty.

Betty ran into the room (B)"I have to go Ill see you at the party" she gave me a peck on the lips and left.

{Bettys POV}
I left auickly and hopped in the car then put headphones on to avoid awkward conversations (A)"you know Betty I think you and Jughead may be going a bit fast" I pretended I couldnt hear her and she eventually gave up on her lecture. When we got home I ran straight up to Pollys room. (B)"do you have anything I can wear over my outfit cause mom wont like it and shes driving me" Polly smiled and walked over to her wardrobe (P)"I have been waiting for this moment for forever, ok so I have about five cover hoodies mom thinks are in style but I have to know what your wearing is it too short or just has too much clevage" I was kinda impressed at how ready she was for this moment (B)"oh too much clevage" she passed me a pink jumper that looks as if it could be cute if styled right (P)"thats the one"
(B)"thanks Polly your the best" I took the jumper to my room and put on my actual outfit. I tas a pair of blach high waisted shorts and a pink bodysuit with lace details and alot of clevage so my mom couldnt know I was wearing it. I put the jumper on and tried to style it like I normally would. I did my makeup quickly and Polly helped me do my hair.

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