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"What is your name?"

"I don't own one."

"That's pure ignorance everyone has a name."

"Well, I don't."

"You're a living being, so you have to possess a name. It's a way of identification."

"I am not living, I am existing."

"What makes you think that?"

"If I dropped from this earth tomorrow not a soul would care or bother."

I watched in fascination as she degraded herself. It was insane to be exact, how messed up she was. Life had a funny way of turning the most well put together of people into mere destruction. This woman was beautiful an astonishing beauty, yet she knew none of that. Lacking confidence, she held terrible posture possessing long mahogany arms and legs, which were on full display due to the tight fitted torn apart clothing she was wearing.

Not that I minded that at all, it gave me a chance to take in many glimpses of her petite figure. As she huffed and puffed in pure aggravation her tiny breasts moved up and down unintentionally. The straining of her hips due to a single movement caught my attention. Forgive me if I seem a little creepy I was just a man intrigued. Intrigued by such an effortless beauty. That's what we do as men right? We watch, observe, and when the time is right we catch. Natural born hunters the way we are designed to be. The only problem was I couldn't chase a potential employee especially one with several issues.

"What is your name?" I asked again this time a little more gently.

"Why are you asking me this? You already know my damn name. What is the point of this?"

"I want you to say it."


I dropped my pen and notepad down in frustration slapping my forehead. "It's not about whether you know you're name or not. You are missing the point."


"A name holds power. It is the essence of who you are as a person. Can you say your name with pride knowing exactly who you are?"

"No, I can not."

"And why is that?"

She froze, tears threatening to fall. Her lips quivered with need as she glared at the wall behind me looking as if she could potentially break within two seconds. "I have no name. No one cares for me, no one cares about me, no one loves me, and I am just on this earth to endure pain." She broke down almost falling out of the seated cushion. When she was finished I gave her a few tissues and rubbed her back as her posture remained slouched.

"Did that feel better?" I asked.

"Yes very much so."

"It's alright to let go. Everything we go through in life molds us into the beings we're supposed to be, and you are someone worthy of great things. Don't ever feel like you're less than what you are because of current situations.

She shook her head repeatedly wiping her nose. "What is your name?" I posed the question again with a cocked eyebrow looking into her eyes.

"Tia," she spoke softly.

"What is your full name?"

"Tiana Woods," this time she spoke louder.

"And who are you?"

"I don't know yet, but I won't continue to disregard myself."

"Not precise, but it's progress." I sat back down in my seat jotting down some more notes on a pad.


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