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In the early months of 2016 The Last Shadow Puppets released their second album titled 'Everything You've Come To Expect' after about a year of writing and recording. If a song on that album wasn't written about Rosanna it was probably written by Miles. Alex was continuously living in denial, fixated on the possibility of seeing Rosanna once more but she never seemed to be around. He still hadn't a clue that she was also producing an album whilst he was.

Alex was getting better though. It took time but he was rebuilding himself. He was putting all his time and focus into the album, it's release and the tour that was set to follow. It was good to keep his mind busy, it made healing easier. He wasn't looking for love but she'd stopped being every second thought in his head. Miles set him up with a few of his friends but Alex was rarely interested. Even when he was he only did it because he thought it would help him get over Rosanna. It was tough for him to even get intimate with another woman
— no matter how drunk he was — he just never felt into it.

If a girl was lucky enough to get his attention for one night it wouldn't last any longer than that night alone. Alex hated feeling like he was using people so after the third one-night-stand, decided to stop. It wasn't helping him get over Rosanna at all. It just made him miserable and empty — always telling Miles he had no passion so what was the point? He hated lust. In fact, it almost made things worse as during one of those nights, Alex moaned Rosanna's name and that ended things immediately. She was just glued into his subconscious at all times.

He wore regret on his shoulders like it was his favourite jacket.

  It was an odd feeling, the day the Shadow Puppets set off on tour, Rosanna not being there to wave him goodbye or join him to at least one of the shows. She always popped into his mind at the smallest triggers. His house was the main contender. Sometimes he'd get the tail end of a whiff of her scent drifting around the house and all these painful memories would flood his mind. Other times he would simply be walking around and pass by a room that held a memory of her. It was like his house was haunting him.

  He often dreamt of her. Sometimes verbally and seeing he was sharing a tour bus with Miles, Miles was getting pretty tired of it.

  "Alex can you shut up?" he would groan somewhere near two in the morning. It would take a fair amount of volume to wake Alex up when he was in these dreams. Mumbling away Rosanna's name over and over.

  Sometimes it would be bearable, and then Alex would occasionally slip out a moan and Miles would just feel so completely uncomfortable that he would ditch a pillow at Alex's head from across the bus.

  "Ah fuck," Alex groaned as he became cognisant to his surroundings. He sat up in his bed and pulled back the covers, swearing under his breath.

  "Please just keep it to yourself," Miles said quickly, cringing.

  "I did it again," Alex groaned in embarrassment.

  "I said keep it to yourself. I do not want to hear it," Miles said uncomfortably.

  "Sorry mate," Alex apologised. Many of the dreams Rosanna appeared in that weren't nightmares, were wet dreams...and Miles was practically emotionally scarred from having to wake up to the sounds Alex made in his sleep.

  Alex didn't want to disturb his friend, nor have those thoughts but they would seep into his mind every now and then.

  Performing was a great change of scenery. Constantly giving Alex something to do. He liked it. Genuinely. It gave him a rush every time and having Miles to co-frontman with him made performing all the more comfortable. Alex didn't take life too seriously after losing Rosanna. He didn't care how other people perceived him anymore, didn't care about how people thought he should act and took that to the absolute extent on stage.

Maybe It's Been You All Along - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now