Edward's in Danger?

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Hello! I'm not dead. I am so sorry for the late update but I kind of had a writers block for this chapter. Thank you guys for waiting. Again I am really sorry. Alright that's enough from me, enjoy!

-peanutstar02 ❤

*Edward's POV*

It's been almost two weeks now and (Y/N) hasn't been back. I was beginning to worry. 'Where is she?' I thought everyday. I missed her terribly. I wanted her. I needed her here with me. 

"She'll be back soon." Winry said with a worried smile on her face. I smiled back at her and then turned away to go into my room. Once I entered I sat on my bed.

'Did something happen to her or is she just late?' I wondered. So many questions were going through my mind. I took a deep breath and made my decision. I was going to look for her tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to find her.

I sighed and fell onto my back onto the soft mattress. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I groaned and opened my eyes to see a woman's figure standing in front of me. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." She chuckled. I jumped forward to attack her but I was pulled back by some chains. "Ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you." The lady said. I gritted my teeth. "Who are you?" I asked. She didn't respond which made me furious. "Show yourself! Who are you?!" I yelled. She chuckled and then walked out of the shadows. 

"Lust." I whispered angrily. She laughed. "That's right sweetheart." She smiled cruelly. I wanted to hurt her right then and there but I couldn't. "Why did you take me?" I asked her. She shook her head. "You have no idea do you?" She asked. "Well if I knew I wouldn't be asking you." I said. She snarled and then turned the other way. "Hey! Don't turn your back on me! Tell me why you have me here!" I yelled. She stayed silent and ignored me.

"Can I please eat her now?" I heard someone say behind. My eyes widened and I looked to her side and saw a fat man staring at me as he drooled. I tried to free myself from the chains which was completely useless. "No." She said. "Please." The thing whined. "No!" She said angrily, "We need her." He groaned and looked at the floor sadly.

"Why do you me?" I asked her, relieved that that guy wasn't going to eat me. "You see sweety. We need for our father's plan." She said. "Father?" "He was the one that created us." She said proudly. "How many of you are there?" I asked her, afraid to hear the answer. She smiled cruelly. "Seven." She said. My eyes widened. There was seven of them?! I gulped and watched as she laughed. "Why do you need me though?" I asked her. "We need you as bait." She said. I looked at her with a puzzled look on my face.

She sighed. "We need your boyfriend. And I figured that if we can't find him...then we will make him come to us." She said with a cruel smile on my face. My eyes widened 'Was she talking about Ed? Why would she need him for their father's plan?' I wondered. She laughed. "Get some sleep sweety. Tomorrow is going to be a long day." She said. I snarled at her. "Where are you going?!" I yelled angrily. "Envy go find that Full Metal boy and lead him to us." She said, ignoring my question. "You can't tell me what to do." He said. She stared at him in silence and finally he sighed. "Fine I'll do it. But it's only because I want to have credit for bringing him to Father." He said. He then turned around and ran out of the room.

"Thank you little one." Lust said with a smile on her face. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek as I realized that I had put Edward in danger. I cried as I watched the two homunculi leave the room, leaving me in the pitch black room.

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