Chapter 3

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Sebastian POV

My desk was filled with too many documents and papers and deals. I have never felt so drained in my entire life. This is the season, of hectic and stressful days in the office. We are about to tie down a billion dollar deal, this deal might actually make me the second richest business man in California, and who wants to miss that? Definitely not me.

I grabbed my cup to sip coffee, when I was greeted with a drop. Yeah, my seventh cup of coffee just joined it's member in my abdomen. I was about to call my Secretary when I heard a knock on my door. God bless Ruth for me. She has the perfect timing.

"Come in" my voice sounded hoarse and strange even for me, I guess so many cups of coffee and less talking did that to a person's voice.

Ruth walked in, with a steamy cup of coffee, a beautiful smile planted in her gorgeous face. Ruth has been my Secretary for two years now, and she has been the best Secretary so far. I'm older than her with some years, and she has a loving husband which happened to be my best friend, yep best friend. So no funny businesses. They actually have a son together, he is just a year old, so she drops him at the children centre which is at the last floor of my building.

"You are an angel" I moaned, after taking a long sip of the coffee she just kept for me.

She laughed." You always tell me that, Seb. I figured you had drained your seventh cup by now, that's why I brought the last cup for you." She said warily.

"What? It can't be the last one, I have so much work to do." I complained, signing some papers.

"Too much caffeine is obviously not good for your health, you have taken enough today" she ordered, daring me to argue with her.

I growled. One would think she was my boss. "Whatever you say, Mrs Petrakis" I mocked, making her roll her eyes, and smile.

"And I also came to remind you of the meeting you have in...." she checked her white wrist watch, before saying "10, you know the partnership meeting." She reminded.

"Oh that meeting. I think you should cancel....." I began.

"No way! You've been cancelling on them since last month! Don't you think they will find another partner elsewhere? That company is worth millions should I remind you." She lectures.

"But mine is obviously bigger than theirs, no?" I countered.

She snorted. "Yes, Mr Becroft. But you will make a lot of profit if you partner with them." She said slowly, like she was talking to her one year old child.

I sighed. "Do I even have a say in this matter? You literally control me here." I groaned.

She chuckled. "You know that's not true, I'm only telling you the truth. Get ready, I'll go prepare the meeting room. The board members and shareholders has also been informed." She stated, taking my empty cup of coffee.

"Thank you, Ruth. For keeping up with this asshole." I sincerely said.

"Your welcome, boss." She teased, before grinning and leaving me alone in the office.

The Meeting.

One thing I despised in my life were latecomers. We were all seated in the meeting hall, waiting for the so called, Manager of E&F companies to show up. According to Ruth, the manager gave a flimsy excuse of her car breaking down, and traffick and whatnot. I was patiently checking my time, if it strikes, 2:19 I'm calling off the partnership deal. Besides, I have so much better things to do.

Just a second later, the door swung open, revealing a breathless lady.
"So so sorry, ladies and gentlemen, it won't happen next time". She raspily apologized, she didn't sound like she meant it, just said it because she had to.

SEBASTIANWhere stories live. Discover now