Chapter 20

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Charlotte PoV

"Oh my Gosh!" Fiona kept saying, fanning her face like it was on fire.

"What?" I asked, not taking my eyes away from the pancake I was making

"Where did you say you found that hunky god you call a boyfriend?" She asked for the hundredth time since we came home for the vacation, yesterday.

I rolled my eyes.

"Fiona will you stop that, you are married for Pete's sake" My mom rebuked, sipping her early morning coffee.

"But I don't blame her mom. Char's boyfriend is the hottest man on Earth. I've never seen a model up close." Zendaya added, smiling like an idiot while staring at Seb through the window.

Dad, Seb, Hugh, Fiona's husband, Ian, Zendaya's husband and Justin my younger brother were all outside shirtless. They were taking care of mom's garden. Hugh and Seb were mowing the grasses, Ian and Dad were watering, while Justin was planting.

It was a beautiful sight indeed, Seb shirtless was another story, so I don't blame my sisters at all.

"He's not a model Zen" I corrected, amused at their behavior. They never behaved like this with Jackson.

Jackson didn't come close to his beauty.

"But he looks like one!" My younger sister exclaimed, looking ridiculous, with her big stomach and a flushed face. Yes, Zendaya is seven months pregnant.

"If you decide to dump him, hand him over to me, Char." Fiona suggested.

"Fiona! Are guys for real?" I asked, shaking my head. My elder sister gets cranky as the day go by.

"But seriously, how do you manage when the both of you go out in public, I'm sure females want to rip him off your arms" Fiona asked.

"I manage quite well, big sis." I sneered. "Now would you help me set the plates? They will soon be done!" I lectured. I was adding buttermilk flavor and fresh strawberry on top. A buttermilk pancake, yummy.

She rolled her eyes, but came to set it.

"Mommy! See what I discovered!" Travis shouted, while entering the room with.....what?!! A used condom?!

PS: Travis is Fiona's son.

"Oh my God! Where did you get that from?!" Fiona yelled, going over to her four year old son.

"I saw it in Charlotte's room. Mommy is this a balloon?" He asked curiously, almost putting it in his mouth.

Please can the ground swallow me already?

Sebastian!!!! He didn't throw it last night! Why me?

"No baby, it is not a balloon. Now hand it over to mommy" Fiona said in a cute voice.

"But if it's not a balloon what is it? Charlotte, why do you have it in your room?" He asked me, raising his eyebrows up.

Oh wow! Why are kids inquisitive this days?

"Travis, hand it over now!" Fiona used her authoritative mother's this voice.

Travis pouted but gave it to her.

"Good boy, now go play in grandma's room" Fiona said shooing him, placing a loud kiss on his chubby cheek.

He ran towards mom's room quickly, while Fiona held the condom with a finger, looking at me in disgust.

"Charlotte, can you kindly tell your man, to toss his condoms carefully? I do not want his semen in my son's mouth!" She yelled, yanking it to me.

I chuckled nervously. "Sorry." I mumbled, wrapping a tissue with it and flinging it into the waste bin.  My mom gave me an amused look. Exactly what I needed this bright morning, note the sarcasm.

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