Chapter 21

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Charlotte PoV

I heard the creak of the other swing beside me, I didn't bother to look who came after me, but a part of me was wishing it wasn't Sebastian. I didn't know what explanation to give with the attitude I pulled out in the dinning.

"Fiona went too far." The voice said. Great, it's Justin. Thank God.

I finally turned to look at my kid bro. Who wasn't really a kid bro anymore, he's now a twenty -two year old man.
I chuckled internally at the thought.

"Yeah, but she's right, anyways." I muttered, smiling weakly. The truth they say is always bitter.

"She's right, but she shouldn't have come on you like that. It's not your fault...." He blabbered.

"Jay" I whispered, cutting him off. He looked at me sympathetically. "It's fine, I'm fine." I assured him.

He nodded, and we fell into a tense silence after that.

"Why did you really run out of the dinning? Is Sebastian not the settling type?" He asked curiously. I could see the wings flying in his head.

I sighed." He's not. I just like him too much to stop this relationship, I guess." I answered, leaving the part where I should've said love...instead of like.

"I don't think so, Char. Do you see the way he looks at you?" He questioned

"That's lust, Jay." I countered. I know the look Justin is talking about, the look he gives when he wants to have sex, or make love to me. That's all this is about anyways.

"No, I'm a man. And I know when a guy looks at a woman lustfully, and when he's looking at her with affection, love and admiration. That's how Seb looks at you even more. I just think he's still in denial of his feelings for you." He explained, leaving my heart in turmoil.

Could it be? Does he love me?

No he doesn't.

"I don't want to have false hopes, Justin." I muttered.

"Fine! I'm not gonna force you into o believing me, but I think you should go and see him. He gave Fiona and dad an earful the moment you left" he said, standing up from the creaky swing.


"What did he say to them?" I asked, my voice almost loud.

"Ask him yourself" he smirked, before leaving me alone.

Was he perhaps angry too? He isn't meant to be since he doesn't have plans of marrying me. So why?

I wasn't still ready to meet him, yet.

So I stayed back at the swing, happy that no one came to sympathize with me again.

After about two hours or so. I knew everyone has already retired for the night, I slowly held the swing so it won't make much noise. Like it even mattered.

I walked cautiously inside so I won't wake anyone, praying to Almighty God that Sebastian is already peacefully asleep.

I locked the back door, and switched off the lights. They left it on because they knew I was still outside.

When I was done I slowly opened our bedroom door, and lo and behold, he was sitting shirtless on the bed staring at me like he saw me walking from behind the doors.

Great, just what I wanted.

"Babe...." He started, already up on his feet, approaching me.

"Let me take a bathe first, please" I interrupted, wanting to drown myself in a warm bathtub.

He nodded, thankfully letting me walk pass him to my closet.

After grabbing my nighties, I went to the bathroom, fixed myself a warm water and sank inside the bathtub. Praying all my worries would flow with the water.

I wish I could sleep here, instead of going to that room and having an awkward conversation with Seb, but I knew it was hopeless. We've got to talk.

I stepped out of the bathtub, and dried myself, before shimmering my body with my lotion, and then putting on my satin mid-thigh night gown.

I expected him to at least be on the bed sleepy, or drowsy, but No! He was already staring at me the moment I walked out of the bathroom.

"Look....we don't have to talk about this shit. I'm actually very sleepy" I said hastily. Lie! I'm gonna be awake for a very long time.

He shook his head. "We need to talk about it. Your sister shouldn't say stuffs like that! That's rude and....." He suddenly flared up. What was really making him angry?

"Isn't she right?" I asked in a low voice, sitting on the bed. "She's very right, Seb. I'm twenty-eight and I'm still caught up in a boyfriend zone." I muttered, not looking at him.

I heard him sigh. "It's not that bad. There are so many women still unmarried at the age of thirty even" he tried to reason.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "And you think it's a good thing? When your mates are married with lots of kids?" I asked him, seriously wondering why we are talking about this.

"He opened his mouth to talk again, but I beat him to it. "You don't need to pretend like you actually care Sebastian. If what dad and Fiona said annoyed you and you're just looking out for me or protecting your ego as my boyfriend, it's fine. But please don't act like you care, clearly you don't" I hissed.

Where did that come from?

Oh shit

"What do you mean by I don't care?! If I don't care then why the fuck will I be in a relationship with you?!" He barked, clearly angry now, since his palm was fisted, and he was visibly shaking from anger.

"Well, sex for starters. That's exactly why you're still here with me anyways" I said the bitter truth.

He gave be an incredulous look. "Seriously? If I wanted you for sex I wouldn't want to be your boyfriend, for goodness sakes! What is wrong with you?!" He asked frustrated.

I sighed, letting a lone tear escape. I didn't want this conversation to drift to this point, but who was I kidding? It will always get to this point as long Sebastian and his not being with one woman is concerned.

"I heard you" I whispered, harshly wiping the stupid tear which allowed itself to roll down.

He gave me a confused stare. "Heard what?" He asked, now folding his hand.

"I heard what you told Trevor on Saturday morning" I announced, watching as his face swirled with so many things. Realization, regret, panic and hesitation.

"It's not...." He began.

"It's fine, I knew the bus I boarded from the onset so you don't need to have pity or feel the need to explain. I want to sleep now, so let's drop it." I shrugged, trying to sound like I wasn't hurt, but my voice came out cold and my heart was in so much pain, right now.

Before he could convince me otherwise, I laid down on my side and pulled the covers over me.

"Charlotte" he said sternly, trying to intimidate me with his voice, but I didn't budge, and he noticed too because he finally dropped it.

I tried, I tried so much to conceal the tears but I couldn't, and silent tears turned to silent sobs.

Because our relationship is gone.

That was emotional.
Do you think the relationship will be back to normal, come morning?

Vote and comment my lovely people💋🥰💕

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