Chapter 22

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Sebastian PoV

Five days later

I was on my fourth glass before a hand came to grab it out of my hand. I  growled, yes literally growled like a werewolf, looking up to see the dog who took my drink.


I glared at her as she, tsked and took the glass of whisky far from me.

"No more drinks for you" she scolded.

How the fuck did she get into my penthouse.

She must have seen the questioning look on my face because she answered. "I've been here with Trevor for the past five minutes and we've been looking for you. Trevor went to check in your study, and I decided to come to the bar. And I found you" She explained.

I rolled my eyes. "What do you guys want? I want to be left alone" I muttered, grabbing the whisky from it's bottle and taking a swing, since she didn't want to give me my glass.

"Sebastian!" She yelled, trying to remove the bottle from my hand, but failed miserably.

"Drinking won't solve shit, and you know that" she continued.

"Oh! You found him" Trevor's voice suddenly rang, through the doorway.

"Seb man, you look like shit." He retorted, staring at me like I'm a foreign object.

"He's been drinking, so obviously he'll look like shit, hon. Please talk to him. The company won't wait for him to man up and face his fucking problems" Ruth said before leaving the both of us. She knew she wasn't needed anymore.

Trevor shook his head, before joining me on the bar. He shifted back my glass, and kept it in front of me. Good boy.

He picked his own glass and we both silently drank for twenty seconds.

"You should go to her, bro." He broke the silence, looking at me intently.

"I can't" I said immediately, my face scrunched up in pain, as the memory of Charlotte's face streaked with tears came in view.

"What do you mean, you can't? It's been three days since she left you or should I say since you couldn't tell her your feelings and made the poor girl think she's been the only real person in the relationship. What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Sebastian?" Trevor groaned in frustration.

I took another swing of whisky, already feeling the familiar feeling of drunkenness kicking in.

I fucked up, big time.

She left me, I couldn't stop her. I caused it. It's all my fault.

"She won't accept me. After recovering from a broken relationship, I still went ahead and trashed her heart" I said, already feeling my eyes well up.

She must hate me so much.

Trevor sighed. "I don't get you sometimes, man. You knew you loved this girl, you fucking knew. She made you happy, and you were always happy with her, then why? Why didn't you just tell her, why did you pull that stupid stunt?!" He scolded.

"I don't know what came over me. I just wanted to confirm something."

"Confirming by cheating on her? Clever bro." Trevor sarcastically said.

"I didn't cheat, you know that. I only kissed Tessa to see if the fireworks and heart melting sensation I feel when I'm with Char would appear. I wanted to confirm my suspicion." I tried to explain.

Trevor rolled his eyes. "You are so hopeless my friend. Your foolishness override your sensibility." He told me truthfully. "The company has been absent of your time for three days. Rachel and Franklin are very worried." He added.

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