Chapter 7

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Charlotte POV

I can't believe Sebastian! Seriously even if he's that Raw and disgustingly straightforward, shouldn't he have some decency? He just walked to me and told me he wants to fuck me, seriously? Who does that?

Oh God! I'm so so angry right now.

I was still trying to comprehend the whole thing when a knock sounded through the door.

"What?!" I didn't mean to sound bitchy, but I'm so angry right now.

The red haired, Michelle appeared looking somewhat scared and disappointed in between.
"Um...Mr Becroft just called and...."

"Tell him to go fuck himself!" I yelled, almost knocking off the glass design on my table. Why was I even angry?

"What?" The flustered Michelle asked, looking at me like I just grew another nose.

Yelling won't get me anywhere.

I cleared my throat. "Look, I'm not really in a good mood right now, so I just need you to tell your boss that I needed to move outside for fresh air. You can do that right?" I said calmly, picking my handbag, and grabbing every necessity.

"But...he's going to..." She started.

"Michelle right?"

She nodded, placing her hand behind her.

"Just tell him what I said. He'll understand." I smiled a little, to give her little assurance. Not like the smile was actually real. I left my office with her still standing like a dazed fish. Maybe no one has ever disrespected, Sebastian.

What did he expect, after I told him that he couldn't get me, he got all annoyed and left my office, slamming my door so hard, I'm still surprised the hinges didn't pull out.

I drove straight home. It hasn't been an hour I left the house, but right now I needed to cool off, I needed Madeline. I needed my best friend.

"Mad, you won't believe what......What's going on?"

I don't understand. Madeline's box were out in the living room, and Frederick her boyfriend was helping her pull some boxes.

"Hey, Charlotte." Frederick greeted, in his usual deep voice.

I just nodded at him, and looked over at Madeline who wasn't meeting my eyes. "Mad?" I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.

"I thought you'd be at work when I leave. What are you doing back home by this time?" She asked.

Seriously? "That's what you say, really? What are your boxes doing here, Madeline?" I asked, dropping my bag on the cushion, and placing my hand on my hip, in a stance she understood quite well.

"I'll leave you guys to talk. Babe, I'll be outside." Frederick said leaving us both alone.

"Well?" I asked after three seconds of silence.

"I'm leaving, Charlotte." She said, in a nonchalant manner.

Three words I dreaded. She's leaving.

"Why?" I asked, trying my best to mask my real feelings.

"You aren't my best friend anymore, Charlotte" she almost yelled, raising her hand in an exasperated manner. " I'm tired of always pretending that everything is okay between us when obviously it isn't. You don't talk to me like you do, you don't listen to me. You just go on and live your life like you don't care! I'm your freaking best friend, yet you seem like a stranger. Yesterday I was telling you how Fred proposed to me last night, but no you weren't even with me. A normal best friend would jump around, open a champagne and party to congratulate her best friend but not you. You just sat there and asked 'huh' notifying me that I was talking to myself the whole time." She breathed, shaking her head. "I'll stay at Fred's from now on" she finished, leaving me very broken.

It's all my fault. Jackson's fault.

"Madeline I'm sorry!" I mumbled, failing to stop the tears which were already forming. "We've been bestfriends for twenty-five years. You can't just..."

"Exactly my point. We've been bestfriends for that long, but you let one mistake of a mere man, destroy our friendship. Look, Char, I still love you God knows how much. You are still my best friend, but I think you need time alone. Think things through, and see if you are actually doing the right thing." She muttered, coming closer to give me a hug.

I hugged her back, already a sobbing mess. I'll miss her.

"I'm so sorry, Mad. I didn't know you were this affected." I said, trying to get my words out.

"It's okay, I'll call you okay?" Madeline pulled out from the hug to smile at me. She was crying too, but hers were for me. She was sad for me. I was now a pity party.

"Yeah, let me help you get your box outside." I said, pulling the handle of one of her boxes.

After about Forty-five minutes of putting her boxes in Fred's trunk, and the both of us endlessly hugging, and Fred teasing us about being couples, I was now finally all alone.

My whole life I have lived with Madeline. We are family friends, so we met when we were both four. We've been friends since then.

I didn't know my attitude actually changed around her, I was only distant and rude to outsiders not her.

I didn't know what to do, this was my own wall. The wall I created for what I passed through in the past. The wall that seemed to get stronger as the day passes by.

I sighed heavily and was about to go to my room, to see if sleep would accommodate me, when my phone rang. I wasn't in the mood, so I ignored the call and went to my room, but the caller wasn't having that. I cursed, before picking my phone to check who, an unknown number.

"Hello" I answered, plopping down on my bed.

"Seriously? You fucking leave work without a permission?!"

I didn't need a prophetess to tell me who the voice belonged to. Sebastian.

I sighed, before answering. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was going out okay, but I'm not well. I needed a clear head." That was the first time my voice was calm, less bored tone, and just my Char voice.

He gasped. "Oh my God! So she actually knows how to talk decently and politely might i add."  He chuckled. "What's the problem, are you sick?" His tone suddenly changed to a concerned one.

"That's none of your business." I answered, getting bored of the conversation already.

Then he laughed, a rich deep sound which had me shifting on the bed. It was hot in the ears, I've never heard him laugh like that. "And ladies and gentleman, Charlotte Daniels is back to her bitchy self." He said, which actually made me smile.

"How did you get my number.....forget I asked that, you probably checked my files." I said, putting the call on speaker, so I could unbuckle my shoes.

There was a minute of silence from the other line, and I thought he'd hang up before I heard his deep panties melting voice. "I'm sorry charlotte. I shouldn't have come up like a perv, it's nice to be straightforward, but it's also rude. So just forget I ever told you that, okay" he ended his rambling.

And I didn't know why I was smiling. "It's fine. I kind of deserved that. I was so rude and my bitch mode was too much to handle, I guess." Why the fuck was I even saying this?

"Wow, so you admit your attitude, that's great. I have a meeting to attend, have your rest now. See you on friday then." He said, and I could sense the smirk in his tone.

"Yeah, bye Mr Becroft." I ended the call before he could say anything else. Something like I shouldn't call him Mr Becroft.

I collapsed on my bed, and waited for sleep to consume me, maybe a day off from Becroft Companies would make me think clearly.

So that's it....I'm trying to make them become friends😊😁
I hope that works, since Charlotte behaves bipolar🤣😂

Vote and comment pls😍😘

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