Chapter 15

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Sebastian PoV

Her giggle and laughter were like music to my ears. Her eyes crinkled from all the jokes and adventures I've been telling her. Few tears slipped up from laughing to hard.

"So wait! You thought the sanitary pads were foreign biscuits?" She asked, trying her best to stop her giggles.

"Yes! I mean no one wanted to tell me, I was a stupid seven year old." I cracked up too, when I remembered the awful day.

She laughed again, her hair tipping over her beautiful face. I reached out and tugged them behind her ears for the umpteenth time.

"I can't believe you nearly ate a pad!" She continued.

"Well, I thank my cousin for stopping me." I mused, taking a sip of my wine. We had finished eating dinner, and was just having dessert. A chocolate sponge cake, her choice.

"You're so lucky, you would have opened a fluffy cotton." She said, taking a bite of her cake.

I nodded in astonishment. " So any embarrassing moment in your life?" I asked, also taking a bite of the cake.

She suddenly blushed and shook her head. "No"

"Hey, that's cheating, I told you mine! Don't you dare do that!" I reprimanded.

We were doing twenty questions. I found out she was twenty-eight, and she had three more siblings. An older sister which was my age, thirty and two younger siblings. Her parents lived in Atlanta, with her youngest brother. Her oldest sister was married, and her younger sister, which was the third child was also married to her high school sweetheart.

"Fine!" She rose her hand in defeat. "When I was in freshman year, I wore white summer dress..." She gulped down her glass of water. "I was so happy to start freshman, and I didn't realize I had my first period"

"Oh my God!" I gasped, already knowing where she was headed to.

She nodded her head, her cheeks tinted with red. "I was so soaked that everyone started calling me woman with the issue of blood" she covered her face and laughed in them.

"That's embarrassing." She shook her head, making me smile wider.

"Everyone have their embarrassing moments, Char. So your turn." I diverse, eating my cake. This stuff was delicious.

She cleared her throat, and racked her pretty face for a question.
"Um..." She started. "Have you ever been in love?" She asked.

I wasn't expecting that one.

"If it's a hard question I can change it..." She asked panicked .

"No it's fine. I've been in love once. That was four years ago. I just started the business, and I was very busy all the time. I met her once in a social gathering and we got if off. It didn't take long for us to start dating, and I fell so hard for her that I didn't realize she was only dating me for my money. And her dad was kinda a rival to my company, so she was looking for means to bankrupt my company." It was a very bad memory.

She covered her mouth. "I'm so sorry. That's very unnerving." She mumbled, her hand going over to touch mine on the table. And I felt fucking shockwaves! Do those things even exist?

"It's all in the past now." I reassured her.

"Is that why, you don't do relationships?" She asked, her voice suddenly small.

Instead of answering that, I diverted it
"That will be a second question, and it's my turn, babe. So have you ever been in love?" I smirked, making her roll her eyes at me.

"You always ask me my questions, why can't you just formulate yours?" She glared, her glare making her look cuter.

I chuckled, "Just answer me." I teased.

She sighed before answering.
"I've been in love more times I can count, but the last one took a hard blow on me. We dated for three years, and he decided to suddenly break up with me saying I was too nice and showing off his fiancee at the restaurant he brought me." She said, her face in utter pain, but thank God there were no tears.

"Is that why you became, rude? Because he said you were too nice?" I asked, grabbing her little hands in mine.

She nodded her head, not looking at me. She must feel ashamed.

"Hey look at me." I said, giving her a stern look. She looked up at me, and my heart leapt out for the hundredth time this evening. This woman was utterly my death. "He doesn't fucking deserve you. It's his loss. You shouldn't change your beautiful personality over some ungrateful asshole. You don't deserve to change for him, kay?" I calmly told her, Making a smile appear on her face. She showed her pearl white teeth almost blinding me.

"Thank you so much, for not judging me." She said quietly.

"Your welcome." I stated, suddenly noticing for the first time how the top of her gown has moved lower, giving me the perfect view of her breast. Those breast hasn't left my mind since yesterday, and I tasted them. She wasn't putting on a bra, since I could see the outline and roundness of it. Was she planning to kill me?

She noticed my stare, and shifted uncomfortably, trying to tug at the gown failing miserably, since the material wasn't even budging. She cursed softly.

I knew my eyes were darkened with lust, since her breath hitched when she looked up at me.

"Will you come over to my house?" I asked, knowing I needed to be inside her, i couldn't go through another blue ball, I might die.

She bit her lips and breathed slowly.

"We both feel it, this attraction is not one sided, Charlotte." I persuaded, seeing as her lips was completely sheathed in her mouth.

Fuck that's hot.

"Okay." She finally whispered.

And fuck! My cock sprang to life.

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