Chapter 14

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Charlotte PoV

I woke up this morning with an awful shit eating grin on my face and I don't know why I've been so happy but it has to do with a certain blue eyed monster named Sebastian.

I took my bathe, and wore a jean ripped shorts, with a lavender colored singlet. I headed to the kitchen, to make breakfast.

I was already near the kitchen when I saw a figure. I shrieked, almost toppling over and hitting my bum on the floor.

"You scared me!" I yelled. I totally forgot I had someone in the house. I'm so used to being alone and Sebastian totally invading my thoughts to have remembered that Madeline was here last night.

"So did you forget I was here or do you just get scared easily?" She asked, her voice all groggy and raspy. I guess from all the crying and sleep.

I regained my wits, and walked over to her, as she gulped a glass of water. "I totally forgot you were here. Oh my chest is in so much shock right now." I said,  dramatically beating my chest.

She chuckled. "I figured. A certain guy took your whole thinking faculty." She teased, nudging me.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, he didn't." My mouth twitching up a little. "How are you?" I asked, touching her arm.

"I'm fine now, I shouldn't cry my heart out for a guy like him. And don't you dare change the topic! what's up with you and that hot meat! He's so fineee. And I'm so sorry I pussy blocked you." She rambled.

And now, my best friend is back, with full force.

"I thought it was cock block, when did it ever turn to pussy block?" I chuckled at her word.

"Whatever, so tell me. Are you guys a thing yet?" She asked, taking a sit on the stool, while I leaned on the island.

I shook my head. "I'm taking things slowly, I don't want my heart on the floor again." I said.

She nodded her head. "I understand your point. A guy like that is always a player or a man whore, it's rare to see a guy as hot, and handsome as Sebastian loyal or faithful" She stated.

"Yeah...he actually asked me out for dinner..." I was saying when, Madeline squealed.

"So like a date?! Let's go shopping, that will take my mind off Fred." She concluded.

"It's not a date, we are just friends." I said, shaking my head in wonder. She just got out of a terrible break up and yet she's this vibrant, I was locked up in my room for weeks when that fucker announced his cheating ass.

"That's what they all say. Please let's go shopping, I really need a diversion, and besides today is Saturday! The best day for shopping." She shrieked.

I peered at her, trying to check if there is something really wrong.

"What? Don't look at me like that, I'm mentally stable. Everyone is not like you after a break up so drop that face." She said, waving her hand.

"Fine, let's go shopping but only because that will uplift your spirit." I said, earning a smirk from her.

"Whatever you say boss, so what are we having for breakfast, I'm famished." She retorted, going over to my refrigerator.

"I'll make pancakes."


"Madeline it's just a dinner, what the fuck are you even applying on my face?" I growled, already tired from sitting on this chair for damn long.

"You are so impatient." She scolded, dabbing powder on my collarbone.

I rolled my eyes,"you're driving me down to a very bad memory lane." I murmured.

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