Chapter 11

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Above is Charlotte's yummy dinner, I tasted this and I nearly lost my senses🤯

Charlotte PoV

It's been three days since the lunch date. I've been smiling ever since like a kid who just had her first chocolate. Cliche much. That small lunch date made me realize that I've been too uptight, for what? A guy, one guy who decided to break me.

Sebastian is one of those guys who don't give up easily and I actually like him for that. Because seriously if he had given up on me, I didn't know who could've handled my rude self. We've been talking on the phone, as friends, he doesn't push or say anything out of hand. And we also greet formally in the office.

I was signing the contracts my department submitted for review when my door burst open.

I rolled my eyes, Michelle never knocks.

"Oh my gawd!" She exclaimed, roughly sitting on my chair. She's never acting ladylike.

"What is it this time?" I asked not removing my eyes from the paper I was signing. Michelle is the mother of drama. So I don't see any need to act worried.

"Guess what?!"She said, flailing her arms.

I quirked an eyebrow." What?"

"That's why I said guess, duh" She stated, before sitting up higher. "Sebastian has a girlfriend." She finally spilled.

I wasn't meant to feel any sort of trivial feeling, but hurt and betrayal was taking a larger part in my heart right now.

"So?" I asked, tying my best to act nonchalant, I was nothing but.

"She's so rude! She just walked into the company like it's hers, she didn't acknowledge anybody, and then she was disgustingly kissing Sebastian in front of everyone! Eew!" She finished.

They kissed. Great!

"Thank God you weren't there, I mean I thought you guys had a thing. I and Tessa bet a thousand dollars for you guys, now I'm owing her" she continued, suddenly frowning.

"Why would you bet about that. I and Seb are just friends. Nothing more" I whispered, shaking my head.

"But you like him, don't you" she asked.

"Nope. No, I don't" Lie.

"Char...." She started.

"Mich, I have so much work to take care of, can you just go on with your lunch?" I interrupted.

"Okay" Thank God she didn't put up a fight. She stood up hesitantly, and looked at me like a mother would when their child got home from school bullied. "If you need to cry or feel..."

"I'm not gonna cry, for goodness sake why would i? Who even cares if he has a wife?" I exploded. Suddenly getting annoyed.

"I'm gonna go now" she said quickly, before leaving my office.

I banged the table, feeling all my anger radiate more.


I avoided meeting with Sebastian throughout today. I didn't want to even have a glance of him. When I successfully left the office to my house, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Thank God it's Friday, two days away from him would be the perfect medicine.

I laughed at my life. When I thought I could open up and start something with him, but no he has a girlfriend. And gave me all those false hopes.

He's been calling since morning too. I don't know why I was ignoring the call, but I couldn't answer him yet.

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