Chapter 19

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Sebastian PoV

"Some one is in a good mood this morning". I heard Trevor's teasing voice behind me.

"What? A man can't hum and cook in his home?" I asked, not turning to meet his gaze, since I was busy slicing the tomatoes.

"Well, this certain man doesn't hum out of the blues. And when the fuck was the last time you cooked in this house?! You don't cook, Seb, so spill." I heard the screeching sound of a stool, which means he made himself comfortable on my stool, probably resting his hand on the kitchen island.

I chuckled before facing him. "Good morning to you too, Trevor." I sarcastically said, grabbing the onions to add to the tomatoes.

"So?" He drawled, looking at me with skeptical eyes.

"What makes you think I can't just decide to cook myself a meal?" I knew I was stalling. This sudden happiness had to do with a certain woman, a woman who hasn't left my mind for a split second.

"You know what? I already know the answer. You're whipped, man. And this has to do with a certain Miss Charlotte. Correct me if I'm wrong." He smirked, rasing an eyebrow.

"Whatever man." I grumbled, my lips lifing up for a smile.

His laughter vibrated through my penthouse. "Man, finally! So you love her eh?"

Love? Love?!
No I don't scratch that. I know I don't love her.

Yeah we've been dating for a month. After that night at the rooftop, I gave her my answer a day later. I decided to try this relationship, and I've never been happier. Being in a relationship with Charlotte is literally heaven itself.

She has resigned from E&F's company, and is fully my employee. We are totally inseparable. And everyone in the company already knows about our relationship, since I couldn't keep my hands to myself whenever she is around.

Trevor has been away, for these weeks. He went for his grandma's funeral at Spain, and he just returned yesterday, so I figured, Ruth aka the blabber mouth probably told him about Charlotte and I that's why he couldn't wait to come here on a Saturday morning, to bombard me with questions.

"Whoa, man. I don't love her. I like her, a lot. But not love" I answered.

"Yet." I gave him a confused glare, before he chuckled and continued. "You don't love her yet. But you'll, or you already do but your arrogant arse do not want to accept it." He stated proudly.

"I can't love a woman, you know that. I can't stay with one woman for the rest of my life. I'll soon get tired of her." I said, trying to convince myself. But why do that sound like a lie?

Trevor rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Whatever makes you sleep at night, Seb."

I was about to say something, when her angelic voice interrupted.

"What's that beautiful smell?" She asked, emerging into the kitchen, with a smile on her face. My white shirt she wore doing nothing to hide those delicious curves. God! I just had sex with her few hours ago! But I'm becoming hard as fuck.

Yeah,  I was making her breakfast. We had a long night, if you know what I mean. She literally live here. We spend almost everyday in each other's arms. And I like being with her. I love being inside of her.

"Hey babe." I motioned for her to come closer, when she got to me, I pulled her towards me and kissed her lips roughly, my hand grabbing the soft globes of her ass.

Our tongue dueled, even though she tried to push me off, because Trevor was sitting there. She was obviously embarrassed, but I didn't mind. I licked her lower lip and pulled it inside my mouth, making her purr sexily.

Trevor whistled. "Woah! Seb, man. Can you guys kindly get a room, or ask me to leave quietly, because I do not like real life porn!"

Charlotte successfully pulled away from me, her cheeks redder than the tomatoes on the bowl, I chuckled.

"Good morning, Trev" she greeted, him giving him a sweet smile.

"Finally she notices me." He  dramatically put his hands on his chest like he's hurt. "Good morning, Char." He said, smiling back.

"How did the funeral go. Sorry I couldn't make it, I was...."

"It's fine, sugar. The company was chaotic. Sebastian would've come too, but I understand." Trevor nodded, understandingly.

"Babe, sit. Breakfast will soon be served." I winked.

She rolled her eyes, before sitting beside, Trevor, while I concentrated on my cooking.

"He's so whipped." I heard Trevor whisper to her.

"I heard you!" I yelled.

Charlotte giggled, that sound was melodious.

And now, you sound whipped.


We were cuddling in my bed. Charlotte was sitting between my legs, while I placed my legs on top her, resting my head on her shoulders as we watched, Bad Boys For Life.

I swear, the movie was funny to death.

"Babe?" Char called, not removing her eyes from the TV.

"Hmm" I let her know I was listening.

"My mom called today. She wants me to come home." She muttered.

I quickly sat up, my arms still around her. "But we planned to have our vacation in Bora Bora." I whined.

I can't stay without her, as cliche as it sounds.

"I know babe, I know. But it's been seven months, I haven't seen my parents or my siblings. So we are planning to have a small vacation at home with everyone." She explained.

I sighed. I was acting like a sullen kid for godsake! "It's fine. I'll call you every hour." I sternly stated.

She giggled. "Babe, that's not what I'm saying." She paused the movie, and turned to look at me. "I want you to come....with me." She said, looking at me with hope in her eyes.

"Really? But...."

"Shh, no buts. You have no plans for the vacation, so let's go. I want to introduce my boyfriend to my parents." She whispered, placing a chaste kiss on my naked chest.

"Someone is acting all possessive." I teased, kissing the sweet spot on her neck.

"Of course. I wanna show my hot boyfriend to the world." She moaned out, while I showered her neck with kisses.

"I'll go then. But tell me we won't sleep at separate rooms" Seriously I hated when parents do that.

"We won't" she answered.

"Wonderful then." I said, before unbuttoning her shirt

"What...! Seb we haven't finished the movie...hmp!" Her sentence was cut short the moment my mouth latched onto one solid nipple.

"The movie can wait. I want you" I stated.

She moaned in response, while I fumbled with the other breast, and her arms came to my head, pulling me closer.

And the rest was with us naked and dancing to the old music of time.

Short but I'll update soon.

Vote and comment fairies😚😘

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