Chapter 8

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Sebastian's POV

"Wait what?" Trevor's voice was haunting me in my office and I didn't like it one bit. He was actually making fun and jokes of my predicament.

After the episode I had with Charlotte, I called Trevor and he decided it wasn't a topic to be discussed on the phone. So after some few minutes of him and Ruth tongue fucking outside my office, which I could clearly see, he decided to come mock me.

"Sometimes, I wonder how stupid you can be" he said again, shaking his head like he was scolding his one year old son.

"You're not helping, at all." I grumbled, pinching my nose. I do that whenever I'm too pissed or just not in the mood.

"I mean, you can't just go to a lady, a sophisticated one at that, and tell her you want to fuck her. She will feel insulted, you're damn lucky she didn't slap you." He snickered, twitching his lips.

"I didn't call you to remind me of what I did, I want to fix it. So stop fucking mocking me and just tell me " I muttered, growing slightly angry.

"Well, for starters, call her to your office and apologize." Trevor said, suddenly looking all serious. I swear, the guy changes personality in mere seconds.

I picked the telecom and dialed her secretary to inform her. Few minutes later, the shaken up lady told me Charlotte left work.

"What did you expect, her pride should be secured. You know how this ladies carry their pride, Ruth puts her own in a jar at home." Trevor smiled, shaking his head.

He is actually cracking jokes right now, boring ones at that.

"Prideful or not, shouldn't she have taken permission from me first?" I grumbled.

The look Trevor gave me spelled it out for me. " You expected her to come into your office and get your permission  when you dropped the fuck me bomb"

I opened my mouth to say something but he best me to it, raising his hands,

"Call her then, you've got her phone number right?" I shook my head. "Then get it from her credentials or something, call her and apologize. Maybe you guys can become friends."

"I don't make friends with ladies, either I'm fucking you, or You're just an employee"

Trevor rolled his eyes, "There goes his useless rules. Look, females are more comfortable with friends, they start loosening up and feeling less rigid with guy friends. How did you think I and Ruth became....."

"I know, I know. You practically worshipped her feet. I can't believe you married your best friend." I smiled in awe. My thoughts suddenly driving you Ruth and Trevor's lovely relationship.

I mean, Ruth, Trevor and i attended tbe same high school, and same college. We've been friends, but I guess I was closer to Trevor than Ruth, since I didn't really make friends with females. I knew they both had the hots for each other but none seemed to do anything about it. Ruth was quite smart, and intelligent, she got scholarships, and higher promotions in classes, that's one of the reasons she attended the class with us even when we were older than her.

"You see, I and Ruth are practically playmates. She knows everything about me and trust me I even know what she's doing right now. So my friend, Try destroying that stupid rule of yours okay?" Trevor said, giving me one of his daring looks.

I sighed heavily, "Fine! I'll call her, and see if I can act normal with her." I said not actually sincerely, but he wouldn't know about that.

"Whatever you say. Now I'll leave you to it." Trevor smirked, standing up.

I knew that look." Trevor this is working hours, you guys should volume down the moan please" I teased, rolling my eye at the shit eating grin he provided before leaving my office.

He was obviously going to have some of Ruth's pussy.

I pondered on what Trevor said, and why not? Maybe after i loosen her rigid attitude up and fuck her, then i can move over to the next victim.

And that's how i ended up calling, Charlotte and I'm still smiling like an idiot. Seriously, it was just a chat.

More updates on the way😁😊

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