Chapter 24

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The feeling of bile and nausea hit me with so much force that I held the toilet seat for dear life.

I threw up what little I had left in my stomach into the toilet.

I felt drained and tired, after washing my mouth. I left the bathroom.

I haven't even settled down on my bed, when Madeline rushed inside my room like a mad woman.

"You need to come to the living room, I think Sebastian has a fever" She panted.

I quickly rushed with her to the living room, to see him curled up on my cushion with blankets. He was sweating and looked like a pale ghost.

I touched his forehead and retracted my hand quickly. He's burning up!

"What do I do?" I panicked. I haven't forgiven him yet doesn't mean I want to see him like this.

"I'll go wet towels for him. We need to get drugs too." Madeline said in a hurry rushing to the bathroom to get a wet towel.

I shook his arm trying to wake him up but he only groaned and panted. He wasn't waking.

Madeline returned with the towel and a basin of water, "Make sure this never leaves his forehead, after two minutes wet it again." She told me like she was speaking to a child. At this point I don't know what I was anymore, I was so weak and confused. "I'll run to the pharmacy to get drugs." She said. I nodded and watched her rush out of the house, grabbing her car keys and wallet.

I placed the towel on his forehead, and watched as his face contorted, and he grimaced.

"Cold" he barely whispered.

I felt really bad. I still continued, changing it at two minutes intervals,  trying to alleviate the fever, but it wasn't really working.

An idea quickly came to my head but it was terrible. One time Zendaya played under the rain and she got so cold with fever, I shared my body heat with her, that actually helped. I was eleven then and she was still seven then. I was the only one with her and I read somewhere that body heat helps, so I did just that and it miraculously worked.

At this point I don't know if I should just wait for Madeline or do it.

She's been gone for thirty minutes now, and I know that no pharmacy will be opened this early. It's still six-thirty.

He's sick, he could die. So I made up my mind.

I removed his shirt and sweatpants with very huge struggles. He was very bare before my eyes. He groaned when his bare back rested on the cushion.

I stripped off my clothes too, leaving me naked. I quickly tried pushing him to the edge of the cushion so I could share it with him. He kept groaning and whispering unintelligible things, but thankfully shifted.

I laid down with him, and covered the blankets over our bodies. I brought him closer and the moment my body touched his, I nearly sobbed. I miss him so much.

Sebastian quickly engulfed me in his warmth, he placed one leg between mine, and rested his head on my breast. His breath are coming out in soft pants leaving hot trail on the side of my breast.

He sighed, and continued sleeping with his hand tightly gripping my waist. I rubbed his back so he could get enough warmth.

We were cocooned together, and the feeling of euphoria made me close my eyes and succumb to sleep.


I felt fingers trailing the small of my back, almost touching my butt. I moaned and moved closer to the warm, strong yet soft source of warmth beckoning me.

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