Chapter 9

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Charlotte POV

I was dreading Friday so much. I wonder why life actually treats us like this, Friday just flew down like Thursday never existed. After spending Thursday in E&F's, my boss and my colleagues are normal to handle, and I didn't have to push myself so hard, now Becroft Companies is another issue, I'm still trying to tackle.

So I tried to behave less rude and bitchy today, I'm still working on my new found negative attitude.

Michelle was quite surprised when I answered her greeting and when I apologized about my previous behavior, she actually smiled and told me she understands. I mean, I don't understand why I'm being reserved and pent up to females, the males deserve that attitude more.

"So I should call you..." She started.

"Call me Char or Charlotte. Whatever you like anyways. So that meeting with Mr Becroft, is it still on?" I asked her, since I entered my office I've been widening my eyes, wondering if the meeting is real.

"Yeah, it's still on and you just have five minutes to meet him in his office.". She grinned. "So you and him huh?" She suddenly asked, placing an annoyingly sweet smile on her face.

"Me and who? Sebastian? Bloody no!" I exclaimed, waving my hand dramatically on the air,like it's an abomination. It actually is.

"Oh please, the tension on Wednesday could not be cut through with a knife. I may not have eavesdropped on the um...."

"Seriously? So you heard him saying he wants to fuck me?" I asked incredulously.

She nodded, a sheepish smile on her face.

I shook my head. "You are unbelievable." I said, gathering my tablet, and my files.

"You guys look good together. You know, I have a huge crush on Mr Becroft. I've never spoken a full word to him without stuttering. Don't you think he's too hot for his own good, and....."

"Okay, I'm going for that meeting, Answer my calls. And please wipe that  smile off your face, you look like a pregnant hen." I teased, before walking out of the office leaving a shock ridden Michelle.

After waiting in the elevator for some seconds, I arrived at his floor. After a long breath, and why the fuck I'm I even nervous? I walked towards his office.

I was greeted with his ever smiling secretary, whose beauty still amazes me. She's never frowning.

"Hey Miss Daniels, you are here for Seb right?" She asked politely.

And I can't believe I was once monotoned to this lady.

I nodded my head, providing her with one of my smiles.

"He's waiting for you, you need anything while you're inside? Coffee, tea or?" She offered, nicely.

"I'm fine. I don't really know your name" I asked, feeling ashamed.

"Oh! It's Ruth Petrakis." She answered with enthusiasm dripping her every word.

"Okay Ruth, I'll go now." I replied, smiling before turning towards Seb's office. I knocked once and he told me to come in.

I walked in, and his office is still something I'm still amazed about. I didn't get to really admire it the first time I entered. And the scent was another thing. It smelt like him, a very addicting scent.

Uh-huh. Now it's his scent.

Not like it's gonna change anything, I'm just observing.

"Hey, Goodmorning" he greeted, once he raised his head and peered at me.

He's.... Beautiful. Yes! And I won't lie about that, he is one of the men you want to ogle, he has this kind of beauty which is cheeky and manly all together.

"Good morning" I greeted back, trying not to sound so monotone or too cheery.

He gestured to his black chair in front of his desk, I gingerly sat down, and placed my tablet and files on his desk.

"We have a meeting. And I checked my files, it's about the One billion dollar deal right?" I asked, getting straight to business. Staying longer in this room with him, might confuse me. And confusion is not what I really need right now.

"Yeah, I should have scheduled a board meeting tomorrow, but I wanted you to contribute something. With your experience I'm sure, you can be very useful" he finished, placing his elbows on the desk.

He had big arms, as a result of many years in a gym. I wonder how he looks shirtless.

"I'm very flattered, really. I mean I'm just a partner, I know I don't need to know about this contract since it's personal." I replied in awe.

He nodded."I know, but i wanted you to know, so?" He countered.

"Well..." I started, picking up the files which contained contents of the contract and schemed through it, I glanced through some rules and contributions.

"It's okay, but....."

"But?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee. He's always drinking that.

"I think it's a little too um...informal. According to what I read, it's a Russian business man, and with the looks of things, you haven't met him in person except his Personal Assistant and business associate. So I think this man is a highly respected man. So this presentation is little too informal, it should have a form of formal perks in it. I mean I've had situations with a Russian company, they rejected our proposal because it wasn't formal." I finished.

I saw how realization appeared on his face, and he quietly nodded, placing a hand on his chin lime he is thinking. A very adorable action.

"I didn't know about that. I've never had to prepare a formal presentation because, I'm always connected with the companies. So you think I should change it, huh?" He asked.

"I can help you if you want. I know some things I can add and adjust" I suggested, actually feeling cool with talking with him.

"I'd love that, thank you Char....Miss Daniels" he corrected, scratching his neck, before handing the files to me.

"You know you can call me Char if you want, I didn't mean to be go all 'Cinderella's Stepmother' on you. I hope we can become good business partners." I said, feeling relieved to actually say it. He seems like a nice guy, being conservative doesn't change shit.

His grin was so infectious that I actually grinned. "Thank you for saving me from the embarrassment. I was wondering how many times I'll keep correcting myself in front of you." He chuckled.

I nodded, smiling a little.

"So what are your plans for lunch?" He continued.



"I have no plans, but I'm not..."

"It's a business lunch, we'll just eat and talk about business. So?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I pondered over it. It's just business, so what's the stress.

"Fine, let's go out for lunch" I breathed.

And then the walls are gradually falling.

Next update, coming up.
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