Chapter 10

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Above is the picture of Sebastian's food. It looks vegetablish, but it tastes good, yum😋

Sebastian POV

I was kinda lying when I told Charlotte that it was a business lunch, I mean which other was I going get her eat with me. I didn't want to waste the maybe only opportunity of us ever eating together.

She looked beautiful in the baby blue shirt which hugged her above and accentuated the curves of her breasts, then the black skirt which had a small slit down her thighs, which was not very tight but you could still see her curves, (which i tell you were very luscious).

"So are we really here for business or this is your own way of deceiving women?" She asked wanting to sound angry or disappointed but I could still sense a hint of playfulness in the question.

We had already ordered, and we are waiting for our food to arrive, this was Shane's Restaurant, one of my favorites. And I was one of their regular.

I chuckled lightly, "So let's be honest, if I had told you it's lunch, non business lunch would you have agreed?" I asked her, crossing my arm.

She became thoughtful for some seconds, making her face less serious and adorable. "I would've rejected the offer, but if you persuaded me more, the chance of me joining you would be 60%" she finished, giving me a look.

I shook my head grinning. "So you just gave a hint of how I should talk to you more, persuading number one" I raised one finger on the air, making her laugh.

"You are unbelievable." She replied, taking a small sip of her wine.

"That I am." I muttered, about to say something else when the waiter, John brought our meal.

"Enjoy, and the pasta is on the house." He said, giving us a cheeky smile.

"On the house huh? Shane has a hand in this right?" I questioned.

John nodded, before leaving us.

Charlotte gave me and my dish a funny look. Yeah I get that all the time, my preferences of food is so old fashioned.

"You eat that?" She screwed her face, like it's a disease. That made me laugh.

"I get that reaction all the time. This is called Lamb Salad with Fregola." I happily replied.

"Uh-huh....the name doesn't make it more appetizing. I can't eat that." She said again, eating her Casserole mixed pasta and meatballs.

"You know what" I started, picking a lamb salad with my fork and pointing towards her mouth. "Just take a bite" I offered.

She widened her yes and looked at me like I just grew another head. "No way! Put the fork down, only couples feed each other, duh" she said, shooing me away.

"Yeah, but we are not couples, and it's an innocent gesture. Just take one bite, don't judge a book by it's cover. It's one of my favorite foods and It's worth it." I countered, my arm already straining from stretching out too much.

She looked at me for a second."Fine, I'd better not have dysentery" she joked, before moving forwards and taking the bite out of my fork, that action made something stir down south.

She chewed slowly closing her eyes and didn't make any face at first but later, her lips twitched to a smile, and her eyes slowly opened.
"Wow! It is...." She started.

"I told you." I interrupted, grinning ear to ear.

Cheeks will start getting wrinkles by the amount smile.

I was acting like a fucking teenager...Geez.

"It has a taste of roast lamb, sweet onions and arugula which are local; the chewy fregola and the capers in the salad's piquant dressing are exquisite." I went ahead and explained. This is the one food I can proudly cook without mistakes.

"So can I get a plate now, I don't want pasta anymore" she pouted.

I laughed heartily at her reaction.

"Well there goes my lunch" I handed her my plate and took hers. "You can have mine, it's too late to order one" I shrugged, munching down on her pasta. It's okay too but I prefer my lamb salad to this.

"Thank you, this tastes so good. My taste buds are literally bursting." She exclaimed.

I smiled, and she's so cute.



"I actually enjoyed lunch for the first time. Thank you Mr Becroft." Charlotte thanked as we reached her floor.

"You're welcome, we can do this some other time, maybe dinner?" I asked, hoping I've broken her stiff side.

She laughed shaking her head. "Not so fast Mr Becroft. I'm not going out on a date with you. We don't mix business with pleasure" she said, waving her hand.

"Who said anything about dates? It's just a friendly innocent dinner between two adults which are not dating" I explained, chuckling at the lecture.

She rolled her eyes." See you later, Mr Becroft." She dismissed, going over to her office, those hips of hers swaying with every movement.

I sighed, before releasing my hand from the elevator button and watched as the door closed.

Very short🥴😁
I'm updating in a bit.
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