Stay Alive Part 13

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     "Here let me get that," I pick up the case that the two agents are having trouble picking up and carry it with ease up the stairs. We see Director Fury talking about Stark's father, and that he was one of the founding member of their organization. Tony starts to freak out slightly and it seems that Fury is late for something as he starts to get up from his seat.

"Natasha will remain a floater at Stark with her cover intact and you remember Amril and agent Coulson, right?" he turns before Stark can say anything else. "Oh, and Tony, remember, I got my eye on you," He tilts his head down to show he's only slightly kidding. Stark, however, doesn't laugh so Fury leaves.

"Should I even be surprised that you're in on this?" He asks looking at me.

"I'm just along for the ride, Stark."

"We've disabled all communication, no contact with the outside world, good luck," Natasha wishes and leaves.

"Please," He shakes his head in disapproval. "Nice new hair color by the way."

"This is its natural color," I correct, I have no patience for this guy.

"Right," he mutters. "First thing I need a little body work, I'll put in a little time at the lab, if we could send one of your goon squad, maybe her," Stark says gesturing to me with his head "down to the coffee bean, Cross Street, for a Starbucks run or something, that'd be nice."

"We're not your damn secretaries," I laugh.

"We're not here for that, I've been authorized by Director Fury to use any means necessary to keep you on premises. If you attempt to leave-"

"Right," Stark interrupts but Coulson doesn't let that stop him.

"Or play any games we will taze you and watch super nanny while you drool into the carpet, ok?" He finishes and I let out a laugh at how good his threat is.

"I think I got it, yeah," Stark says slightly humbled. I think if he was like this more of the time I would like to be around him more.

"Enjoy your evening's entertainment," he says and we leave. I know he's talking about all the film in the box.

"Are we going back to a hotel?" I ask as we get into a car

"For now, this isn't quite over yet," Eventually Tony, of course, goes outside his house like he was told not to and we get in the car and find him in his basement making something very elaborate with lots of huge conduits and wires running everywhere.

"I heard you broke the perimeter," Coulson says and a robot turns to us and beeps.

Said robot and I start have a staring match as Stark says "Uh, yeah, that was like three years ago, where you been?"

"Doing some stuff," I'm contemplate making a dirty joke here but decide against it, it'd embarrass papa Coulson. He walks closer to Stark and look in one of the boxes.

"Yeah, well, me too and it worked. Hey, I'm playing for the home team, Coulson, you and all your fabulous furry freak brothers. Are you going to let me work or eat my balls?" I look up in surprise, losing the contest I was having with the robot.

"What's this doing here?" Coulson asks as he lifts some round thing that reminds me of the American flag.

"That's it," Stark says putting the thing in his hands down as Coulson stares at him blankly. "Bring that to me," he demands gesturing with his hand.

"You know what this is?" Coulson asks.

"It's exactly what I need to make this work," He looks at it for a second before ordering Coulson to lift the coil.

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