Stay Alive Part 17

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     Something he said just doesn't feel right to me, the whole torture thing. He took it with quick the grain of salt, as if this wasn't even nearly the first time something like this has happened to him. I look up symptoms of heat torture, I don't exactly know where to start but I think some medical books are the right place. After a while I see a Midgardian looking book that says the symptoms of something called "heat exhaustion" are confusion, dizziness, fainting, fatigue, headaches, muscle cramping, nausea, pale skin, profuse sweating, and sunken and dark eyes from dehydration. He was tortured before he came back. I slowly get up and put all the books back

I wish I could go back down there and talk to him about it but knowing him and his stupid pride he would never open up to me about it. Damn this situation. I can't help but feel as if it's my fault as when as his. If I had been able to do something or something he might have stayed and never went through all of this. We might have been able to get past what he did and we could've had that future I dreamed of.

I get to my room before the tears slip past my guard, I slide down my door unto the floor. Whenever something went wrong we used to go to each other, but he's changed the rules now and I don't know what to do. Loki and I were best friends before lovers, but now he's a totally different person, it seems. I am normally a rather collected person, I'd like to think, I hate how just a few words from him can send me into a tornado.

After collecting myself I wash the blood and dirt off and change into something that was close to that except a light purple instead of white. I head to the dining hall and find my friends who rush to greet me giving hugs and kind words. While Sif and I haven't always had the easiest of friendships we are truly happy to see each other once again. We get settled into spots with fine ale and the warriors three are well on their way to drunk and they seem to be happy.

I greet Thor but he doesn't talk much and eats quietly. I would worry for him, but I'm sure it's most likely about the talk with his father earlier and I'm not exactly supposed to know about that. I see him get up to leave rather early only to be stopped by Sif. They talk a little and I hope she is able to cheer him up, but I can see the look on his face when he leaves and I see it hasn't worked.

I tire of the deafening noise of people's endless chatter and I remember the mental note I made earlier about Loki's now blue eyes. I go to the library to see if I can find any information about eyes and possible information about them changing colors. I discover that in many realms the eyes are considered the windows to the soul, so perhaps the soul is what's been disturbed? The theories I think are most likely he's changed so much that his eyes have changed color as well to possession. I wish I could just chalk it up to possession and talk to the healers about getting help but with his situation. It would be taken not as me trying to help get him back, but as a way for me to try to get him out of imprisonment

After a few hours I need to rest my eyes. I walk to the window to see that, apparently, they have the reconstructed the bifrost bridge enough that people can travel through it. After a few minute I see it open again and I walk to edge of the bridge to see Thor and a woman I have never met before. "Amril!" Thor greets me, "This is Jane Foster, from earth."

"So you are the famous Jane Foster," I say with a smile. "It truly is a pleasure to meet you, I am Amril Rosper, I'm a childhood friend of your- Thor." I would say this was an accident, but I like teasing Thor when he likes someone, he blushes like he used to when we were younger.

Thor then explains that they were on their way to the healer's room and explain the situation to me. I come with them wanting to make sure everything was right with the Midgardian. They lay her down on the table to perform standard tests and she's very curious of our technology. "What's that?" She asks pointing to something, I can't help but chuckle at her curiosity.

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