The Edge of Glory Part 12

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       I walk over to the wall of weaponry and know that if I stand a chance in this fight I'll have to get accustomed with Midgardian weapons. I look at the guns and sigh unsure with exactly what to do. I pick it up gingerly and study it in my hands. I feel a presence behind me and I turn to see Romanoff. "Need help?"

"No," I mutter but I don't hear her back off. She sighs and snatches it from my hands. "Hey!" I shout but no one turns to look at us. Clearly they know that if they get involved if we have a fight it'd be best for them to stay out of it.

"Relax," She instructs. "This right here," She points to a switch "Is called manual safety, you have to flip it like this so that it will allow you to shoot." She shows me how to hold it correctly and safety hazards. "One of the most important rules of guns is 'don't point this at anything or one you don't intend on shooting. Accidents happen, especially when emotions are running high. -One thing you don't seem to have is control." She leaves me to get a feel of shooting it in the shooting range.

Maybe she feels bad about having to drag away my... my Loki. I feel like boyfriend is a rather childish term for two people who are hundreds of years old, but courtship has the purpose of preparing for marriage. I don't know what to call us but he is most definitely mine. Wait, would I want to marry him? Well... I know I don't ever want to be with anyone else, I know that when we have problems that what we have is too good to not try to work through them.

I'm snapped out of my revelry by Thor who saw me just staring out the window. "Are you alright?"

"Yes? Yes. Yeah! Just thinking." I feel my cheeks heating up and press my cool hands against them. He looks at me concerned but I give him a nod of assurance. He leaves me alone and I try to get accustomed to the feeling of shooting a gun. I try to think of it just as a very advanced bow and arrow, which helps. Unfortunately for me I was never good at shooting a bow and arrow.

I shoot until I'm out of bullets. Instead of asking for help I try to figure it out by myself, it takes a bit longer to figure out than I care to admit. It seems like one of those things I think would be easy until I try it, it just takes some getting used to. I hear the door open and see Barton walk in with a bow and arrows. He casually walks up to the booth next to me. "How's target practice going?"

"Well enough... when do you think I can talk with Loki? Where is he being held?" I ramble before cutting myself off from asking a million more questions.

"I can't tell you where but I've already been talking with Fury about when you can see him. He said that you can video chat with him, Fury thinks it might be too dangerous to let you see him face to face," Barton explains, not once making eye contact. Choosing instead to notch an arrow and let it fly into a target.

I sigh, knowing that there's nothing I can do if I really want to be able to see my love. "When can I see him?"

"Tonight, they need time to secure him and make sure that he's not going to try to escape. Agents will be listening into your conversation, they'll call you when it's time." With that he leaves me to myself. I look at the clock on the wall and see it's only 6 p.m.. I realize that I haven't eaten anything since breakfast, but I feel to anxious to eat.

I see Thor walk by the door every few minutes, clearly checking on me. He knows that Loki and I used to be attached at the hip before all this insanity started but now everything's kind of screwed up. Loki and I don't have as near of a healthy relationship as we used to but I know that once all this is over we can work on it. I sigh when I see him out of the corner of my eyes pass by for the eleventh time. The next time I hear him coming I watch the door annoyed.

He sees me looking his way and scurries away, he doesn't walk past again. I take my time learning guns and try out a bow and arrow. I look at the targets that are almost completely destroyed. I wonder back to my room, as I lay in bed I realize I can still smell Loki's scent on the pillow next to mine. Like cinnamon with a hint of mint. I hug the pillow, imagining that it's him in my arms instead.

I'm angry at having to lost him yet again, but I'm tired of going through this time and time again. I know that he'll have a plan to get out of there eventually and find his way to me but I don't know how long it will take. I hear a phone start to ring in the living room area. As I sprint to the other room I hit my hip against the doorway hard enough to hurt myself and leave a dent in it. I brush it off and answer it.

"This is Ms. Amril, correct?" The man in the other side asks and I confirm. With their technology they pull up a video feed of Loki on Stark's technology.

"Amril?" He asks and he hops off the bench he was draped across dramatically. "How?"

"Hi! How are you? Are you hurt? Why-" But before I can rattle off more questions he cuts me off.

"I'm alright, they didn't hurt me. How are you, are you alright?" He puts up a hand to what I assume is the screen where I'm appearing to him. Instinctually I mirror his movement.

"I feel like this is our relationship now," I admit sorrowfully. "You getting back into my grasp only to be grabbed away."

"I know... I'm sorry," He whispers his apology. I feel like there's a string in my heart that's attached to his being tugged on. "Look I've been thinking... I want to spend more time on your home world."

"Yeah, but good to know. Let everything blow over alright? We'll... figure it out then, alright?" He nods and I feel like we're good. We act flustered and annoyed in order to make anyone watching think that the reason we're cutting ourselves off and pausing in certain places is authentic. He has a plan to get out of there and I know he understand I'm telling him to wait until Thanos is dead to enact it. I want to keep him as far from harm as I can keep him.

He looks off screen and nods. "They say I have to go, I love you."

My heart fills with warmth and a grin lights up my face, despite out situation. "I love you," I whisper back. He grins back and the call ends. My hand slips from the glass and the smile leaves my face almost immediately. I try to find something to eat and even though nothing looks appetizing I force myself to eat something. I have to keep my strength up, be ready for a possible.

I walk into the bedroom. I stare empty at what was his side of he bed before flopping tiredly into my side. I hug his pillow to my chest and smell the already fleeing scent. I lay awake wondering what freedom with him would look like.

We had it for a moment and it was like heaven but we both knew it couldn't last long.I want to be able to stay wit him and not worry about the future. I want for us to be able to explore each other's body without worrying about how much time we have or that someone might interrupt us.

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