Chapter 41

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Kian kept to his word and the next time that he needed to record something, he took Ellen along for the ride. This was a couple of weeks after the conversation about it had taken place, so Ellen had adjusted to being a mum, but Kian’s mum insisted on babysitting whilst they visited the recording studio.

Kian pulled up and Ellen climbed out of the car. He waved at some people and took Ellen’s hand and led her into the building. He introduced her to some of the crew, and they said the words that Kian was dreading:

“Why don’t you take her to meet Megan in the make-up department?”

“Oh, um okay, I’m sure Ellen doesn’t want to see some make-up room” He hoped that they took the hint, but they didn’t seem to, and neither did Ellen.

“I would love that” she said, with a little over reaction. Someone called Kian’s name so he had to start filming, so one of the other crew took Ellen to meet Megan.

Megan looked almost exactly as Ellen had pictured her, tall, blonde and thin. She was wearing a short skirt, and a revealing top, presumably to make the entire men crew flirt with her.

“Hi Megan, this is Ellen, Kian’s um-”

“-Wife” Ellen finished the sentence and took Megan’s hand and smiled a sickly sweet smile. Megan raised an eyebrow

“It’s nice to meet you”

“Good to meet you too”

“Do you want a makeover?” Megan was trying to find pleasant conversation between the two of them, as Ellen stopped smiling. The crew left them to it when Ellen agreed to the makeover.

“So um, are you friends with Kian?”

“Oh, yeah I guess so, I didn’t know he was married until yesterday”

“Oh, you mean he told you when you tried it on with him, don’t worry, he told me”

“I didn’t know, I swear”

“I believe you, and trust him, so trust me, you’re not his type”

“Why not?” Megan was still doing the make up at this point, so Ellen turned to stop her from applying anymore.

“Because you are too tarty, and he doesn’t like women like that, he prefers his women who share some similarities with him”

“Like you, you mean”

“Yeah, you should’ve seen the first time he tried to kiss me”

“What happened?” Megan seemed intrigued now, so Ellen didn’t disappoint.

“We were in a recording studio with the other members of Westlife when they went for a break. He said he needed to finish something and put some music on, took my hands and we danced, then he told me I was beautiful and I almost reacted when the guys came back, but he still subtly tried to seduce me, it was so sweet”

“Why didn’t you kiss him?”

“Because I didn’t want him to think that I was someone who he could walk all over, it to me a little while to realise, that he wouldn’t have done anyway, I just prolonged the inevitable by waiting”

“Why can’t I meet a guy like that?”

“You will, but it won’t be my husband, and if you try it again, I will hunt you down and I will hurt you” Ellen stopped playing nice and rose from her chair and left a shocked Megan to watch her.

“I can do what I want with him” Megan shouted after her, so Ellen shook her head and walked over to where Kian was standing, and making sure that Megan was watching, she tapped Kian on the shoulder and kissed him with passion. Kian returned the kisses and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. When they pulled away Kian asked:

“What was that for?”

“Because I love you”

“You were trying to make Megan jealous weren’t you?”

“Okay fine, but it almost worked”

“You mean it didn’t, well then I guess we will have to try harder” Kian lifted Ellen into the air, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, and continued kissing her. Then he kissed her neck, and Ellen giggled, and hugged him tighter. That really annoyed Megan, who turned and stormed back into the make-up room, and slammed the door. Ellen turned to Kian, and they laughed, hugged and then he put her back down.

“Happy now?”

“Yeah, that was fun”

“Now will you leave her alone”

“Yes, if you kiss me like that again” Kian leant in and kissed Ellen, who rested a hand on his face


“Yes” He winked at her and she went around to the canteen area t get a drink. She sat in there for most of the day, and Kian popped in every so often to see her, kiss her and get a drink.

Ellen took a little book out of her pocket and turned to a new page. It was her sketch book. She withdrew her pencil and began to sketch lines, a little at a time. When she finished, she looked at her picture and suddenly a head rested on her shoulder and kissed her check.

“That is amazing Ellen” Kian kissed her again, and her placed the picture of a rose on the table, admiring it.

“Thanks are you finished filming yet?” Ellen said with minor desperation.

“Yes, we can go home now”

“Okay, I need to see our children”

“Same, I miss them” Ellen’s hands were covered in graphite, so she stood up, turned to Kian and placed her hands on his face, kissing him whilst secretly wiping graphite down his cheeks. He raised his eyebrows and Ellen immediately started to laugh. He looked over in the reflection of the window and saw massive grey marks down his face, and Ellen quickly grabbed her book and went towards the door. He started to run after her, and chased her all around the recording room, until she hit a dead end. He grabbed her round the waist as she tried to run to other way, and she let out a playful scream. She kicked her legs out and he carried her down to the main floor.

“You are lucky I love you”

“Why what are you going to do?” Kian grabbed a pen out of his pocket and drew a line on Ellen’s face. She opened her mouth wide as he put her down, and she started to chase after him. He ran out into the parking lot and she followed him, being careful of passing cars. He jumped into the car, as did she, and they sat there panting for a few minutes. Then he turned her head and kissed her.

They drove home covered in pen and graphite and washed it off with difficulty. Kian then decided that he was going to splash Ellen with water, so they ended up in a water fight. By the time they were finished, they were soaked to the skin, and freezing cold. Ellen shivered and Kian shook his hair over her then he hugged her. He pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor, urging Ellen to do the same. They stripped down and shared a bath together to warm up. Ellen was so comfortable that she fell asleep in Kian’s arms, and as the water turned colder, Kian gently shook her awake and they dried off, and got dressed in clean clothes.

They picked up the kids an hour later and Kian’s mum raised an eyebrow as to why they both had soaking wet hair, as it hadn’t been raining. Kian’s answer was, we had a water fight, and his mum shook her head rolling her eyes. They took the kids home and watched a film together as a family. Koa enjoyed the film, whilst Hannah was asleep through most of it, so was Ellen, so he and Kian decided that they would start dinner. Kian often cooked, and Ellen didn’t wake up until Hannah started to cry. She changed her, fed her and then they ate dinner, which was amazing.

Ellen was about to go to bed with Kian when the phone rang. Ellen answered it:


“Ellen, its Emma”

“What’s the matter?”

“Something has happened”…

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