Day 23

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(Warning [Suicide and Gore] so If your not okay with that you can skip this)

I woke up in a unknown area that was almost pitch black, the only light being my led and wings.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out hoping for a good answer. I got no answer and I began to worry.

I looked around and saw a drawer and I opened it to see If there was a item. I found a flashlight and I grabbed it turning it on.

I got off the medical bed and I looked around. I shined my light around and found a door. I went to the door and I opened it quietly.

I found myself in a dark and void hallway. I shined my light down the hallway's and I couldn't see the end of the 2 hallway's.

I walked down one of the hallway's trying to find someone.

I found doors that were along the hallway, and all of them were locked.

I continued walking down the hallway and found a body lying down in the middle of the hallway.

I ran quickly to the body and went down on my knees to examine them.

I grabbed their body and moved it making it look at me. "Hello Fonner. Good To See You Again".

I jumped back back startled from their talking. They got up and held their hand out to help me out.

I took their hand and they lifted me up. I tried talking but I couldn't open my mouth.

I began to freak out and I put my hands on my mouth trying to move it but nothing worked.

I was shocked as I heard people behind me. I knew who it was and I turned around to see them.

I saw mao mao, badgerclops, and adorabat but I was horrified to see them.

They were there but Mao mao had a big stab wound in his chest. Badgerclops was riddled in bullet wounds. Adorabat was gutted.

I was terrified at how they looked. I looked at their wounds and I knew my family had to had did this.

I was crying on how they looked and I knew I had caused all of this. I fell down to my knees from my mind telling me that I made them die.

I saw them take out their weapons and they started running at me. I felt a pull on my arm and as soon as I knew it, I was running with Rennof.

He was pulling me with him as we were running from my massacred friends.

I dried off my tears as I knew I had to see where I was running.

I ducked down as I saw a laser fly past me and Rennof. I saw more lasers fly past us luckily not hitting me.

But then Rennof got shot in the foot, making him tumble down forwards in pain. I stopped and went back for him.

"NO, LEAVE ME BEFORE THEY CATCH YOU" he yelled out to me. I looked up and saw them almost at us.

I didn't listen to him and picked him up, carrying him with me.

I saw a open door and I ran as fast as I could and threw rennof into it closing it after. I felt a big force ram into me making me fly away from the door.

I quickly got back up and tried to continue running, but I was sliced in my back and my wings.

I stumbled from my pain and I was then quickly shot more in my back. I fell down and I turned around to see all of them hovering over me.

I saw mao mao lift up his sword aiming it at my heart. Then he slammed his sword down into me.


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