Day 45

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I felt something on me, it was a blue figure. I slowly started to open my eyes, I saw adorabat hugging my stomach.

I felt a sudden pain on my sides and stomach. I gritted my teeth and grunted in pain, waking her up.

"Fonner" she said happily and hugged me again. "Ow, careful with my stomach adorabat" I said hugging her gently.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy your okay. I just wish mao mao and badgerclops could know" She said with a slight frown.

"Well can't we just leave?" I asked her. She shook her head. I got up and I almost fell down, I felt pain run through my body.

I searched my mind trying to find a spell I heard someone say before. I found one "Adorabat hold on to me and don't let go" I told her.

She held my arm and I started to start the spell.

"I am nothing, I am a doorway, I am a dark alley, I am a empty hallway, I am a ghost" I said trying to remember it the best I could.

I opened my eyes and saw I was gone and so was adorabat. I then got up and I walked out of my room.

I left the hospital and I flew back home. I made it to the front door and I made sure to stop the spell. "I am alive" I said opening my eyes.

I looked down to see adorabat with her eyes closed, 'did she have them closed the entire time?' I thought to myself.

"Were here adorabat" I told her. She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw we were home.

I opened the door and I saw mao mao on the couch holding my jaxy plushie with tears in his eyes.

"Mao mao?" I asked him. He looked up at me "Guys!" He got up and hugged both of us. "Mao, your hurting me" I told him. He let go of me.

"Sorry!" He said caring. I felt my legs get weak. "I don't feel well" I said feeling light headed. Mao mao picked me up.

Adorabat went to her room while we went to our room. He laid me down in bed and he laid next to me.

He laid next to me and hugged me gently. I just laid there with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep.

I heard mao mao snoring and I soon got up left as I couldn't sleep.

I went outside and I sat down on the grass.

I looked up at the night sky as there were many stars above me.

I felt weird, like I lost something. I hate it when I feel like this, it's annoying.

"Hey fonner" someone said behind me. I turned around to see badgerclops coming outside.

"Hey" I said turning back looking down now. He sat next to me and looked at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern. I shook my head still looking down.

"Do you want to tell me?" He asked again. I nodded. He put his arm around me and moved me closer to him.

"So what's wrong?". I sighed as I was scared of what to say.

"I just feel like I'm empty, I just want to feel happy. But for some reason I just feel like I'm nothing, I hate it" I said hugging him for comfort.

He hugged me and was scratching my ears "it's ok fonner, I don't know how to fix that but we're here for you" he reassured me.

I started purring from his words and him scratching my ears. "I didn't know foxes could purr" he said shocked.

"Well they can, I just never done it before. I didn't think they could since I never heard one, but I only knew from a book" I said starting to fall asleep.

He noticed this and picked me up and went back inside. He sat me down on the couch and I fell asleep quickly.




I woke up at the king's castle. I was in fancy clothing I remembered what was happening.

"Is everything ok fon fon?". I looked up seeing adorabat flying towards me and sitting down in the chair next to me.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about alot if things right now" I said with the same weak smile I gave before.

She flew on top of my head and hugged me. I petted her and I got back up, walking back to the party.

Adorabat flew away and I saw mao mao leaning on a wall. I walked over to him and I hugged him.

"Is everything alright?" He asked concerned from my sudden action. I nodded and then the slow dance came on.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked him. He blushed, "I don't know how to".

I grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor, "I don't know how to either but I want to try" I said blushing a little.

Mao mao grabbed my waist and my back as I did the same. I began dancing when mao mao started, he followed my moves as I was blushing from feeling everyone was looking at us.

As the song ended I  swept mao mao under his feet and bowed him down as I was holding him up. We went to into a gentle kiss as the song ended. We stopped and I picked him back up and we stood up straight.

Everything went dark and the music stopped.





I woke up instantly as something hit my face. I opened my eyes and I was shocked to see who was here.

Shin mao was standing in front of me with a death stare at me. I was trying to move but I was chained up to the wall.

"Where am I-" I said as he puched my stomach. It started to bleed again.

"You filthy foxes, always acting innocent" he said grabbing a knife.

He cut my arms and stabbed my legs. I cried in pain as I was scared.

He punched me in the face "you shouldn't be crying, you don't deserve to" he said sounding like my family.

I felt him grab my tail and I saw him grab his sword. "Please don't cu-" I was interrupted as he cut off my tail.

I screamed in agony as he threw my tail away as if it was trash. I began to pass out.

'Please save me mao mao' I pleaded even though I knew I wouldn't be saved from 'him'.




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