Day 58

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We were in the woods with steven, spinel, and rennof. We quickly ran back to the valley. "Woah, that's a big heart gem" Spinel said.

"Look!" Rennof said pointing in the sky. We looked up and saw the aroecycle flying. Kaido and the dragon were flying it with everyone tied up knocked out.

"We need to follow them, cmon" I said getting ready to fly off. Spinel climbed on my back and steven got on rennof's.

We flew off and followed them to a cave entrance. We saw them take them off and run away. "Follow them" I said as I ran after them. They followed me and we entered the dark cave.

"It's really dark in here" Spinel said. "Don't worry, we got this" I said. Me and rennof used our visors and took out flashlights, his was white and mine was purple.

We turned them on and started walking around, trying to find them. I felt unnerved being in the cave.

"So, why are these guys so made at you?" Spinel asked me. "I don't know, I don't even know the dragon's name" I said walking next to her.

A bomb fell down in front of us and as soon as it appeared it blew up into a thick yellow and white smoke.

"Oh god, what is this now" I said coughing in between. The smoke slowly went away and the ground started to shake. 'What is with them and collapsing floors!?' I thought as the ground began to fall down.

"Run!" Steven said. We ran to a different room, jumping over empty holes. We saw a door closing the entrance and everyone ran quicker.

We jumped into the other room right before the door closed. We got up and as we did something fell down. I jumped back and moved spinel with me while rennof and steven moved to the other side.

A giant wall fell down, blocking is off to each other. "Steven, Rennof!" Me and spinel spoke. "Were okay, but we're going to have to split up" steven spoke out.

"Ok, just stay close to each other. That smoke probably disabled us in some way" I said knowing from experience.

I heard them walk away and I looked at spinel. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "I'm fine, thanks for saving me" she said.

"Just stick close to me, okay?", she nodded in response. I turned on my flashlight and began Walking to find a way out.

She held onto my arm, it felt odd but I let her do it. "So how do you know steven?" I asked. "I went to his planet and tried to kill him, but I changed and I live with the diamonds now" She said shyly.

"Well I'm glad you changed, I never met any other heart gems like me and rennof" I said looking around.

"Thanks, I real-" "Help!" A scream came from another room. We ran into the other room and shined my light in it.

Adorabat was tied up with a blindfold on. "Adorabat!" I said running to her. I untied her and took off her blindfold.

"Fonner" She said hugging me tightly. "Are you okay?" I asked hugging her. "I'm ok, I'm just glad your here" She said letting go.

We need to keep looking. "Cmon we need to find the everyone else" I said picking up the flashlight, changing it to a bright lantern instead.

"Fonner, who's this?" She asked pointing at spinel. "Oh that's spinel, she's a gem like me and rennof. She's a friend of steven" I said as we continued to walk.

They talked to each other but I was blanking out, going into a dream. My mind was transitioning to a different place. I saw myself walking without me, I tried to run after me but I fell down.

I got up and looked around, seeing nothing but trees. I didn't have wings or my visor, and my gem is gone.

I saw a young version of me without a visor, holding a sharp knife. He was behind a pane of glass.

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