Day 62

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I woke up with mao mao sleeping next to me, with his back turned to me. I got up and went downstairs.

I heard a small knock on the front door. I walked over to the door and opened the door, and I almost choked on the air I was breathing.

"Hey fonner, it's been a while since we talked" Kaido said hugging me. "What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.

He stepped back, "What do you mean, were friends and we havn't talked since you ran away from your family. After you saved my brother how can we not be friends?" He asked confused about my question.

"I- Are you talking about that time I moved him out of my mom's car?" I asked him. "Yeah, I would never forget how you told about the other outcome would come out, what would happen now if it was the other option?" He asked.

I noticed something else odd about him, his spots were more lighter and his fur was less dark. As I was about to answer a loud explosion came from the valley.

"What was that?" He asked, "The other Kaido" I said running out. "Other kaido, you mean the one that didn't have you save max. Let us help you fight him" He said as his brother jumped from the top of the house.

Everyone came out and was stunned from seeing kaido, They pulled out their weapons, "Wait, It's a different Kaido. Our kaido is in the valley-" I was interupted by a bright light from behind me.

I turned around and saw a large light form, "Did he just fuse with a monster?" mao mao asked me.
"We need to go" I said getting ready to fly. Mao mao, adorabat, and adorabat got on the aroecycle.

Me and rennof flew off and so did everyone else, while max got on kaido's back and he started running, which he did faster than the dream.

He ran as fast as the aroecycle. We went quickly to the danger. We made it and saw the huge monster destroying buildings and the sweetypies running around in a panic state.

"Kaido can you take the sweetypies somewhere safe?" I asked him. He nodded and he and max went to round them somewhere safe. "I'll help them" Rennof said going to help them.

Me, mao mao, badgerclops, and adorabat stood ready to attack with our weapons out. Me and mao mao ran at the kaido monster and tried to slash it, but it's feet were armoured by stone.

We wouldn't be able to injure it as it was as tall as the pure heart gem. "How are we going to injure it, we can't even climb it" I said forming back to our group.

"What if we fuse, all of us?" Adorabat asked. "That might work" Badgerclops said. "That might work, it should work" mao mao said. "I guess it's worth a shot, lets make Afmaoclops" I said as we formed into a sqaure shape.

(3rd person View)

Fonner danced in a soft style, while mao mao danced with force with each step. Adorabat danced joyfully, and badgerclops was dancing in a funky style. They stepped closer together with each step.

Fonner stopped in the middle as adorabat stopped her dance with one leg on his head with her wings out. Mao mao spun and stopped holding fonner's hand. Badgerclops stopped wrapping his robotic arm around fonner's.

A big light came around them and they fused into a colossal light form, going to the height to Kaido's fusion.

four legs were appearing and six arms were showing, with two wings under them and on the back.

They finally formed and their fur was in a swirl of all of their colors together. One of their arms were robotic, and one of their legs.

They had 8 eyes, all of their own colors. Their eyepatch was like fonner's visor and was purple. They had a short tail like badgerclops'.

They had badgerclops spots and they were rainbow, They pulled out fonner's machete and mao mao's katana.

They fused them together and shot out a laser at it, making the long golden bladed machete on fire with rainbow flames.

They threw smoke bombs that had an electric arua to it at kaido. They turned to us and the electric smoke bombs blew up in his face, stunning him backwards.

We rushed at him and slashed him upwards, making him get tossed in the air. Kaido stableized and tossed out a bunch of black potions into the air and smashed all of them.

A big black smoke cloud appeared around him and more of him appeared. We slashed upwards and the flame blades went upwards, going through some of the shadow clones.

Kaido fell down on Afmaoclops and started to slash at them with his sytch's. They blocked it and slashed at him, cutting him with deep wounds.

He started to unfuse but he stuck it out and fused back together. He threw his two weapons and they slashed them away, but kaido ran after his weapons and as they were swinging their weapon to attack he grabbed them and threw them into the forest.

Afmaoclops was getting up but kaido jumped on top of them and started to punch them. They blocked the punches and their arms shot a electric wave, making their entire body flow electricity through them.

Kaido was getting electricfied and they grabbed him by his neck and snapped it, making him turn into smoke and a gem fell down.

(Fonner's View)

We unfused and I was laying on the floor, tired from my powers being drained as I was the only gem.

I pushed myself up and walked over to the yellow gem, bubbleing it and sending it back to hq. I turned around to see mao mao, badgerclops, and adorabat talking to eachother.

I was ready to fall asleep but someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was kaido, max and rennof.

"Are you okay fonner?" Max asked concerned. "It looks like you didn't sleep in years" Rennof said smirking.

"I-I'm fine" I said sitting down as I was lying about being fine. I sat with my back aginst a tree, with everyone else sitting with me.

"So why are there two kaido's but one is good and with a cat?" Mao mao asked angered about the kaido next to me.

"I had a dream about the time where our kaido's brother died from my mom and I didn't help, but in my dream I saved him and I saw these see through versions of my past one. So that's why our kaido has dark gray spots and this Kaido has white spots"

"Well I think it's time for us to go, thanks for the exciting day" Kaido said having max go onto his back.

"Goodbye kaido and max" I said waving at them. He smiled and ran off quickly, like a panther would usually do.

Mao mao knew I was tired and he picked me up, as we began to go home. I held myself close and I fell asleep in his arms.

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