Day 33

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I woke up next to alex. They were asleep and I quietly left their house. I walked in HQ, which I was questioning if I should.

I saw adorabat and badgerclops, with their shadow versions as well. I sat down next to them, and they were playing video games.

I stared down at the floor thinking about old memories. I thought about my only friend when I was little.

My blue and white dog, with his bright green eyes. He was the only one who got me, since he was homeless. When I left I took him with me and I wish he was still alive.

As I distracted in my thoughts Mao mao walked up behind me and jumped onto the couch and sat next to me.

I was startled and I jumped a little, Mao mao noticed this. "Fonner, are you okay?" He asked with concern.

I looked at him and I hugged him. "I'm sorry I was mad at you" I said burying my face in his chest fur. He hugged me back and was petting me.

"It's ok fonner, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said those things, that was not hero like" He said kissing my forehead.

I kissed him on his lips and he blushed as he didn't expect that, I'm just glad we made up. I then heard something at the door.

It sounded like scratching. I got up and I walked over to the door with mao mao behind me. I opened the door and no one was there.

I looked down and I saw a orange shibi dog with a pink collar with a golden heart on it sitting down looking up at me with it's dog eyes.

"Bao Bao!" Mao mao said suprised. Both Adorabat's heard this and flew over to us. Shadowbat flew on my shoulder as adorabat hugged bao bao.

I stared at Bao bao almost scared of him, I didn't know what to think right now. All I could think of was my old friend, 'Jaxy'.

I was starting to have tears in my eyes and I looked away, shadowbat noticed. "What's wrong fonner?"

Mao mao heard her and looked at me. "Fonner, are you okay?". I looked at him.

"I just have a bad memory of dogs, I had one when I was young and I c-couldn't..." I said with tears running down my cheeks.

I was crying as I was being hugged by mao mao and both adorabat's. "It's ok fonner, you don't need to tell us more" Mao said petting me.

I felt something rub my leg and I looked down and saw bao bao looking at me.

I stopped crying and I got down on my knees and hugged him. He licked my face, making me giggle.

I got up but then bao bao started barking at me. I backed up, scared he would attack me. Shadowbat flew off my shoulder also scared, then he started to bark at her.

I was suprised he was barking at her, and so was mao mao. "So I guess dogs can really see other things more than other people do" I said holding shadowbat.

Mao mao agreed as bao bao was playing with adorabat. I went outside after a while as I needed to be alone again.

I went back to the cliff from before, the scene was as beautiful as before. I sat on the edge and I just stared forward.

The sun was setting as I was watching it go away. The sun went over the horizon and now the sky was a deep purple and blue with white sparkles of stars.

I got up and I stood there just so I could stay a little longer. I then heard rustling bushes behind me.

I turned around and I saw some bushes moving. I walked closer to them and a night mare came out.

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