Day 70

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I saw a vision of a different fonner. I'm in a police department and I was sitting next to a old dog in a old jacket.

I wore a gray jacket, white buisness shirt, and a black carbon tie. "Hey Fonner, why are looking like that?" The dog asked me.

"Huh, oh it's nothing" I said looking around. 'Where am I?' I thought getting up from the chair to look around. There was a golden name thing on his desk, 'Hank anderson' Okay.

I went into the breaker room and looked around. "Well well well, if it isn't the plastic prick" Someone said behind me.

I turned around and saw a cat with a cut on it's nose. "Hello" I said with a small wave. "What model are you?" He said getting closer to me.

"I'm a FG800" I said to him. "Well, bring me a coffee dipshit" He demanded. "I don't take demands, try to ask and maybe I'll do it" I said stepping back.

"Don't you phcking tell me what to do and bring me the damn coffee" He said punching me in my stomach.

I fell on one knee and held my stomach, "Fonner, get over here" Hank said gesturing me. I got up and walked over to him, hitting my shoulder on the cat.

"Yes hank?" I asked. "We got a new report about a devient that killed it's owners, lets go" He said leaving. I followed him and into the car and we drove off.

*When we got there*

I got out of the car and hank did too. I looked up at the house and my heart dropped, My house was covered in police tape.

I froze just staring at the front door that was open and the house looked as if it was recently cleaned.

"Fonner, what the hell is wrong with you?" He asked looking at me. "N-Nothing liutenant" I said walking behind him as we entered the house.

A family like mine was on the floors in different rooms, they were cut, slashed, stabbed, and some of their throats were cut.

"What happened here?" I asked him. "Some deviant killed them, but now we need to know where they went"

"Let me look around and I'll get back to you" I said walking around to check everything. I found the mom on the floor.

I crouched down and I examined her. There was cuts on her arms, stabs in her stomach, and her throat was slit and the knife was in her left eye.

I felt like throwing up but I couldn't, I looked at the knife handle and it was black fur and thirium, or blue blood for simple terms.

I closed my eyes to process the data.

"Wake up!"

I was shaken awake as I found myself in a dark area with someone shaking me violently.

I was picked up to my feet, like I was a puppet. "W-What's going on?" I was dazed and confused.

"You need to find your way out of here!" They yelled dropping me. I stood up holding my head and I felt blood running down.

"W-who are you?" I asked them. "My name is frank, I'm here to help you out of here" They grabbed my hand and walked me with a flashlight in their other hand.

I started to see clearly and I saw a shine of light on the back of their head. It was a heart gem, but it was broken.

"Wait, are you a gem?" I stopped and I his hand slipped away from my hand and some liquid flew from my hand.

The liquid was a greenish dark yellow and I burned my hand and the liquid evaporated.

I looked up and they looked like a demon. "what are you talking about? Is something w-w-w-rong-g-g-g?#?#?"

They started to glitch out and they grew taller and horns grew on his arms. "W-ww-ha-a-at i-i-s-s i-t?"

He jumped at me and I ducked under him and started to run. He chased me through the mines. "Get back here!"

I tripped on a broken wood plank and I quickly got back up and tried to run but then he shot a spear at me.

The gunshot echoed through the mine, making me unable to hear for a couple of seconds.

I saw a small dark area and I jumped there and covered my led and covered my visor.

He ran past me and I made sure he was gone. I got back up and looked around and There was a small hole that was crawlable.

I went towards it and started to crawl through until a shot went off again, which messed with my hearing again but it came back.

I was shot in the leg and I was being dragged out, but I grabbed onto a metal pole and held on.

The chain broke and the spear was still in my leg and I quickly crawled through, cutting myself on sharp rocks and pieces of metal.

He tried to crawl through and was getting through and I tried to find something to fight with. I found the spear in my leg and I yanked it out and stabbed him with it.

He grunted and grabbed my other leg and pulled me closer to him and I grabbed the metal pole and broke it off it's other pipes and I bashed his hand.

He let go and I stood up and lifted it up and slammed it down on his head, and I kept bashing his head in.

He died and his finger pulled the trigger on the gun and the chain flew at me and stabbed into my stomach, and I fell back from the impact.

I put my hands down behind me and I felt a cold metal like piece of something. I tore out the chain and looked what I touched and it was a piece of a gem.

"W-What?" I picked up the gem shard and cleaned it off, it was a piece of a sapphire.

I got up forgeting my injuries and I saw another gem shard. I picked it up and it was a piece of a orange-ish red ruby.

I put them together and they stuck together and started to form. I stepped backwards and my foot hit the dead killer's body.

They fused and half of their bodies were mixed together. One of them was a red fox and the other one was a blue wolf.

The fox looked at me and grabbed me by my throat, nearly snapping it just by grabbing it.

"What did you do to us!?"He spoke angrily. "I found your gems and I put them together" I gasped for air.

He let me go then Looked at the wolf's side. "Are you okay sapp?" He asked her. "I'm really scared rubb" She said.

"Where is that man?" Sapp asked scared and looked around worringly.

"He's right here" I said moving to the side to show the dead aliigator with his head smashed in with skull fragments and pieces of brain around him and on the pole I was still holding.

"Oh my god, that's disgusting" The sapp looked away gagging. "Where did you come from?" Rubb asked me.

"I was trying to come here to save my mother but the ceiling broke and trapped me in here"

"Well let's stick together to try to find our way out" They stood next to me.

*Rubyphire joined you*

We began to walk in the mine and found a dead body with a shattered heart gem in it's hand.

I picked it up and I saw it was a dark red gem with blue steaks in it. I put it together with other pieces and it showed me a visor like mine.

It didn't reform and I looked to see what's wrong with it, it had a slot like end on it.

I scanned my body to see what matched it and my back, between my wings was a force made slot.

"Put this gem in between my wings" I handed them the gem and they did what I asked and I felt myself shut off.

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