Day 30

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I woke up just like everyday and mao mao was gone. 'He was probably training with everyone' I thought as I put on my clothes. I left my room and I went downstairs. I saw badgerclops and neon playing games.

"Hey fonner" neon said as he looked at me but then quickly looked back at the game. "Hey neon, have you seen mao mao?" I asked him with slight concern.

"He's in the dojo with adorabat and olive" he said as he was winning. Badgerclops got upset when he lost. "Ugh, why are you so good at my games?" He said talking to himself.

I giggled and I went into the dojo to look for mao. I saw mao mao showing adorabat and olive how to punch strongly and headbutt for adorabat. "Hey mao mao".

I said as I walked in. Olive looked at me and ran to me, quickly hugging me. "Hey olive" I said as I hugged her back. "Hai fonner, mao mao's teaching us fighting moves" she said as she stepped back from me.

"Do you still have that trick?" I asked her with a curious look. She nodded her head and she took off her horns and made them flaming horns. The flames were pink and sparkly. She stopped and put them back since I remembered she said she got tired from it. Mao mao looked surprised while adorabat had sparkles in her eyes. "That was soo cool!" Adorabat said as she flew over to olive.

They started talking and I walked over to mao mao. "Hey fonner, does neon fight. I just need to know if there was a monster attack" Mao mao said as he wiped his sweat off with a towel. "No, he doesn't really use bladed weapons". I then got an idea, "I remember he can use guns. Maybe I can give him those laser pistols?" I said to mao mao. He said it was a good idea and I left the dojo.

I walked back to the living room where watching TV. "Hey neon, can you come here?" I asked him. He nodded and got up, we then walked upstairs and went into mine and mao's room.

"What is it?" he asked me as I was getting something out of my bag. "In case there are monster attacks, you need to have weapons" I said pulling out the pistols and handed them to him.

He took them and put on the holster for them. He let go of the pistols and they went back in the holsters. As soon as we walked downstairs the monster alarm ranged.

We were startled from it but we soon went downstairs. We got to the aroecycle, but there was a problem. There was only 3 seats for the bike, so I offered to carry neon and adorabat flew with me. We flew with the bike and we were over the valley.

I saw a golden hydra Dragon with three heads. I noticed that they weren't as big as all of the other monster's, and they not really moving like a normal monster. I reloaded memories with neon and I remember I saw a dragon that looked the same.

I remember their name "Alex?". I then saw them looking around like they were confused from the sweetiepies that were running away from him. I soon knew they were no danger to anyone. I flew down and landed in front of them. Everyone stood next to me and readied their weapons.

The golden hydra dragon seemed scared, one of them was standing up to us. The second one was really scared, and the third one was not as scared but was more frightened. I flapped my wings in front of everyone which made all of them look at me, slightly lowering their weapons. "Let me talk to them" I said walking closer to the dragon.

"Don't go fonn-" Mao mao said until badgerclops stopped him. I slowly walked up to the dragon with my hands up gently. "It's ok, were not here to hurt you. My name is fonner" I said calmly. "head 2: Did you say Fonner?" the dragon said with sparkles in his eyes. I nodded

All of their eyes were sparkling and in a instant they hugged me. I didn't expect it and everybody was surprised. "Fonner, it's you. Were alex" All of them said letting go of me. "I remember you. You taught me the flame trick" I said looking at them and remembering the thing they showed me.

I puffed up my chest and quickly went through my data and remembered the trick, and I blew out a rainbow flame in the air. I saw the alex's all happy, especially the second one since that was his original flame.

I turned around to see everyone in awe as the flame was disappearing. I smiled as I looked at them. I then turned back to alex.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked him with a confused look on my face. "We were looking for a new place to live, which was this place" The first alex said.

"Well Do you think you could be a deputy?" I asked him turning to see if mao mao would say something. "Sure, we would be happy to" They said excited.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at who it was and it was mao mao. "How are we going to keep him, let alone make everyone like him?". I thought about it and a lightbulb came to my head.

"Hey alex, do you mind if you wear a collar or a vest strap?". They looked at each other "Sure, As long as it will make us stay here".

"Well lets go to HQ first, so we can think there" I said as my wings started flapping. We went back to HQ and alex went inside looking at the inside.

"Wow, This place looks nice. So where are we going to live though?". I thought about it and I had an idea. "I can build you a shed-like house near this" I told.

They nodded and went back outside. I went with them and I sat next to them as they were sitting down in the grass. "So I need someone to carry the wood planks from the market, so do you think you can come with me?"

"Sure fonner, Let's go". We got up and flew back to the village. We flew down into the market and we walked around to look for the right store. I saw a store of collars and I thought of something.

"Hey, there's a collar shop. we can buy the collars for you". We entered the store and we looked at the collars.

Alex One chose a red collar, Alex two got a rainbow collar, and alex three chose a green collar. We bought them and they put them on.

We then went and bought enough wood to build the house. We both picked up the wood and started flying back home.

We made it home and I started building it quickly. I made it faster than I did when I added a second story to HQ since it's like a small shed-house.

(A few hours later)

I finished building the mini house and I took alex in it so he could see it. I made it the doors a sliding door for easy opening.

"So, what do you think of it?". They looked around and hugged me again but less forceful. "Thank you fonner, it looks amazing" they said as they sat down on the bed that was in it.

I left and closed the door as they fell asleep. I was walking back to the house but something caught my eye.

I turned to the outside of the valley and saw a light source coming from a cave, which was obvious since it was night outside.

I wanted to go explore it, so I went back in the house and almost everyone was asleep.

Badgerclops and adorabat were awake watching TV. "Hey fonner" they said as I was grabbing my machete and putting it in the seath.

"What are you doing?" Adorabat asked me. "I saw a cave not to far from here and I was thinking about exploring it" I said standing at the door.

"Can I please go with you fonner, pretty please?" Adorabat pleaded to me. I was worried about taking her and she get hurt, but I trusted her.

"Okay you can come, but you stick close to me" I said as I opened the door.

"I will, I promise" she said as she flew next to me. "You guys better be safe" badgerclops said looking at me.

I nodded at him and we left the house and started flying to the cave. Adorabat flew next to me and close to me like she said. 'I hope she does that in the cave' I thought worried about her.

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