Day 51

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(This was requested by someone and I agreed to do it, so enjoy this clothing choice. And I know the person who asked for this will probably be laughing, so enjoy it. Because I won't)

I woke up and I saw mao mao wasn't here. I tried to get up but I fell back down as I felt tired. I sighed as I stared at the ceiling.

'Was I too mean to shin mao, I know he did some bad things but I don't know If I should've cut off his tail' I thought as I just stared up.

I noticed I was naked but luckily I had a blanket over me and I had bandages wrapped around my wounds.

I heard the door creak open and I looked at it to see who it was. It was badgerclops, he walked in as I just stared at him.

"Hey fonner, are you okay?" he asked as he sat next to me. "I guess, mind the fact that shin mao was the one that did this to me for a week or something" I said with a quiet chuckle.

"Well since your still injured you have to wear open clothing, so I got you some clothing that is open so we know if your bleeding" He said as he took out a bag with clothes in it.

I took the bag and put it next to me, "Thanks badgerclops" I told him with a smile.

He giggled "your welcome, I hope you enjoy them" He said leaving with a grin on his face. That worried me, 'What was in the bag?'

I sat up and I opened the bag. 'I am going to kill that badger' I thought as I saw the clothing.

He gave me a pink shirt and a bright purple jacket which was fine, but then he gave me a bright purple underwear, cyan skirt. and pink and cyan striped leggings.

I was not about to wear this but I really didn't have any other options, my clothes were all dirty and I don't think mao mao wants me to wear his clothes.

I sighed angrily as I started to put on the clothes, 'I will never forgive him' I said as I finished putting them on.

All of my bandages were still visible since my cuts were on my thigh area, but I wish they weren't.

I got up with my legs wobbling under me. I felt my blush appearing , This is so embarrassing.

'What is mao mao going to think, and Rennof?' I thought as I slightly opened the door and peaked out.

I saw Rennof, "Rennof" I said hoping to get my attention.

He looked at me with a confused look, "Fonner, are you okay?" He asked me as he walked over to me.

"No, I'm not okay. Badgerclops said my bandages had to be visible but he gave me girl clothes" I said with my blush showing more,

Rennof stifled a laugh as he heard my trouble. "Well how do you look?" He asked.

I gave him a glare but I opened the door to show him.

"Oh, those clothes. I chose those, but you do look cute in them. I bet mao mao will enjoy it" He said with a evil grin.

"Why you little sh-" I said until I was interrupted by adorabat flying towards us.

"Hey guys what are you doing- Oh wow fonner, you look so pretty" She said as she saw me in the stupid clothes.

I forced a smile "Thanks adorabat, thank Rennof for choosing them" I said glaring at him again.

The monster alarm ranged and I felt scared, 'not only do I have to show mao mao what I'm wearing, I have to fight a monster in this'

"C'mon Fonner, lets go beat this monster" Adorabat said enthusiastically as she flew off along with Rennof.

I sighed as I grabbed my weapons and I ran outside.

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