Day 54

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I woke up to a blaring siren, it was the monster alarm. Knowing who it might be I got up quickly, grabbing my weapons.

I ran outside to see everyone on the aroecycle, except mao mao. "Hey mao mao wake up!" I yelled as I ran back inside.

I saw him quickly run down the stairs and past me. Rennof ran up next to me as I ran back outside.

They flew off without us and we flew after them. Me and Rennof caught up to them and we were over the valley.

I saw something unexpected, there was a person that was as big as a building.

It looked like a mixture of the dragon guy and kaido. I flew down in front of them and Rennof next to me.

We unseathed our weapons and the mixed person got out a sledgehammer with a styth as one side of the sledgehammer.

I flew above them and slashed at them, but they blocked it and grabbed me. They threw me at a building, luckily I stopped by flapping my wings.

I saw the sky pirates and mao mao and everyone else were battling them.

I ran back at the giant and I jumped over the attack they threw at me. I stabbed them in the chest and I quickly jumped away.

They went to slam the hammer side down at me, but then they kicked me to the building.

I hit the wall and I felt them pick me up by my wings. They threw me to the floor, cracking my visor.

I saw the shadow of the hammer being lifted up and I saw Rennof running after me.

The hammer was being slammed down on me and I felt Rennof grab me as we were still under the attack, but then...

(Mao mao's view)

I defeated Orangusnake and I looked at the big cloud of smoke that appeared under the giant hammer.

I saw a light under the hammer and it was suddenly lifted up. I was shocked to see who did it.

It was Fonner but his wings were glowing a white arua. Fonner was as big as the other giant.

He threw away the hammer and jumped away. I saw his visor was white with red and blue stripes on it.

His clothes were pitch black. His tail was like a hollowgraph and was pure white.

He pulled out two machetes and slammed them together, and the light I saw earlier came back.

A bigger machete appeared and it was his rainbow machete but with a bright white arua surrounding the blade.

He swung the machete down but it was blocked by the sledgehammer, but the white arua didn't move.

Suddenly the aura slammed down on the hammer, making them drop it. Then he slashed the giant in the stomach.

The arua followed the blade a second later, making two deep cuts in the stomach. He then swung at his neck.

The machete was halfway in his neck but soon the arua came and cut off its head.

The giant dissapeared into black smoke. I then felt someone grab me from behind.

"I got you now" Orangusnake said laughing. I had my arms pulled behind my back and I couldn't run.

"Fonner!" I yelled for help. He turned around and saw me being grabbed.

He ran at me and kicked Orangusnake off me, and slashed him in mid air.

He then slashed Ramaraffe, ratarang, and boss hosstrich. Badgerclops and adorabat ran right next to me as I watched fonner slash them.

"What is that?!" Badgerclops asked shocked at what he was looking at. "That's fonner and Rennof" I said staring at them.

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