Day 40

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I woke up like always, but today felt odd. I looked on my visor and it showed that it was my birthday, oh no. I always hate my birthday, I started to have memories of my past.

"You don't deserve anything, your never going to be loved" My family would say to me as they threw me into the basement, and locked the door behind me. The cold and dark basement, only my led was a light source.

"He doesn't deserve any gifts or cake" they said behind the door laughing and eating the cake I made for my birthday.

I wish I could escape but where would I go, who would I go to. I had no one besides jaxy, speaking of him. Where is he, I would of usually heard him by now.

I then heard yelling and whimpers behind the door. "That's it, come here you little sh*t" I heard my mom yell.

I knew what that meant and I was trying to open the door. 'I have to save him, I can't let my only friend die' I thought as I was running into the door.

I took a couple of steps back and I rushed at the door, slamming into it with my shoulder.

I fell as the door broke off it's foundation. I got up and saw my mom with a kitchen knife and she was holding jaxy down.

She lifted up the knife and I rushed at her and pushed her down, making her let go of him.

Everyone started to run into the kitchen and I grabbed jaxy and I started running for the door. until someone grabbed my tail.

I was turned around and I saw a sharp metal fly into my vision. I stumbled back and I couldn't see out of my left eye.

I grabbed the knife and I threw it at them, they all backed up giving me a chance. I picked up jaxy and I ran out of the house.

I heard them yelling but I kept on running. I felt blood pouring out of my wound but I kept running for jaxy's safety.

I couldn't see the left side of me and I felt him shivering. I looked back to see if my family was still after us.

I sighed in relief as I didn't see them. I turned around to see a steep hill. I stopped quickly and luckily we didn't fall.

I sat down at the edge and I looked down at jaxy. He was covered in blood, my blue blood. I started to black out and I felt the floor become slippery.

It was raining and the dirt became mud and I felt myself slipping down the hill. I tried to scoot back but the mud was to slippery.

I was sliding down the hill quickly. I looked for anything to grab onto. I grabbed onto a branch that was sticking out if the ground.

The branch broke and we fell down into the forest below. We hit the floor and I dropped him onto the floor.

I felt my head aching and then I felt the floor fall under me. I fell down into a cave area.

I looked up where I fell at and I saw jaxy looking at me and barking at me. I heard a loud roar from above me and I knew a monster was up there.

"Jaxy Run!" I yelled to him. He ran away quickly and I saw the monster run past the hole, chasing him.

I was crying and I wiped my tears away quicky. I put down my visor on the nightstand next to the bed.

I got up, putting on a blue hoodie, white shirt, and a green scarf around my neck. I left the room and went downstairs.

"Hey fonner". I turned to the couch and saw both adorabat and shadowbat on the couch watching tv.

"Hey adorabat's. I'm going to go somewhere for the day, i'll be back before tomorrow" I said ready to leave.

Living with a hero  (My oc in the show)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ